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Who gets it and how do you get it

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A TV decoder bonus valid through December 31, 2022, the facility introduced this year that provides over 70 in possession of certain requirements the possibility to receive at home a device suitable for the new digital terrestrial standard. Let’s see together how the bonus works.

Threads More than 70 are in possession of some personal and financial requirements It may take until the next December 31st to receive free mail Homepage a TV receivers Suitable for the DVB-T2 / HEVC digital terrestrial broadcast standard introduced this year.

Let’s see in detail who can receive the device and how to get it.

TV decoder bonus until December 31st


There is plenty of time until the next day December 31st to order TV Decoder Bonuses, a procedure that provides free recognition at home of a suitable decoder for the digital terrestrial standard that has been in operation for a few months. Persons who as of January 1, 2022:

  • are of age or older than 70 years old;
  • receive a pension not exceeding 20,000 euros annual;
  • residing in Italy;
  • They are the owners of the subscription to the radio service.

The reward is related to devices whose price does not exceed 30 euros.

How to get a TV decoder

FIDA_Poste_Italiane_Insegna-1200 & # 215;  800

The TV Decoder Bonuses At home it can be wanted Through three different ways:

  • electronically, through a specially prepared website;
  • Directly to the post office, by going to the post offices during normal business hours.
  • By booking delivery over the phone at no 800776883 (active from Monday to Friday from 10 to 18);
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The decoder is delivered directly by Italian Post. For those who need help installing or configuring the device, a toll-free number is available at 800-776-883.

Those who have already used the service cannot receive the set-top box at home Regular TV bonus Recognized for families with an ISEE of less than 20,000 euros. It is possible to get a TV decoder at home, however, if there is no file TV Cancellation Bonus.

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