Home Economy “What is my drag”, “Read the documentation” – Libero Quotidiano

“What is my drag”, “Read the documentation” – Libero Quotidiano

“What is my drag”, “Read the documentation” – Libero Quotidiano

“Dragons? He’s a peddler.” He thinks so Judd Lernerguest on half past eight on La7. Here, regarding Lily Gruber, The journalist recounts the delays of the executive branch led by the former president of the European Central Bank: “Two weeks ago we were here to pay tribute to the budget law and so far the text is not yet known. Draghi’s message at the moment is to donate money.”

Nothing new so far, except that Lerner criticized the PM: Postpone. It is late. Draghi knows when to be cautious and above all knows that the majority parties that support him are contradictory.” In short, for the signing of an agreement Happening every day Draghi, in addition to reforming justice, You have not made any other repairs.

But not only that, because Lerner also questions the prime minister about relations with Brussels: “Draghi, the guarantor of the European Union, is no longer enough.” The banker has a different opinion Franco Barnabas: “Draghi has to agree to reforms by the end of the year to get the EU money, so there will be reforms.” “I don’t recognize it anymore – Lerner replied – 27 fixes in a month and a half, but how is that possible?”. Here is the banker’s permission to silence him: “He has to do itJust go and read the docs to understand it.”


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