Home Economy Water reward platform, SPID registration and application from February 17, 2022: MITE Instructions

Water reward platform, SPID registration and application from February 17, 2022: MITE Instructions

Water reward platform, SPID registration and application from February 17, 2022: MITE Instructions

Water rewards platform, after more than a year of waiting, the application portal is finally online: it will be active from 17 February 2022. Registration via SPID and 30 minutes to request a refund of up to 1,000 euros. Indications given in the instruction manual published by MITE on February 14.

It’s finally online, but it’s not active yet, so water reward platform: After more than a year of waiting Ministry of Environmental Transformation Advertise the possibility of viewing From 17 February 2022. Register via SPID and CIE, Electronic ID Card and 30 minutes to submit statements and attachments.

with the The news was published on February 14thMITE made available to users instruction manual To follow a request Payment of up to 1000 euros To buy faucets and sanitary warePunctuality is necessary to be able to benefit from support.

Available resources up to 20 million euros The number of potential beneficiaries is huge.

there is nobody Expiration To continue, but requests will be accepted until Exhaustion of available funds.

Water Reward Platform, SPID Registration and Application from 17 February 2022: Instructions to Follow

the water reward submitted by Budget Law 2021 And after more than a year comes platform activation date Required to submit refund requests.

As for the executive decree, thewait Following up on orders took longer than expected: in the first place, in fact, Ministry of Environmental Transformation He had referred to January as the publishing period.

the gate bonusidricomite.it to order up to 1000 Euro that you are entitled toBuy faucets or sanitary ware It will be available from 12 noon on February 17, 2022.

L ‘SPID digital identity and the Electronic ID Card, CIEare two tools to use in Registration And recognition based on name, surname and tax code.

In the news announcing the publication date of the Water Rewards platform, MITE warns about Some basic rules:

Please note that the bonus is recognized with a maximum of 1,000 euros per beneficiary and can be requested Oncefor a single drug, for the costs already incurred for the water use efficiency interventions”.

Water reward platform, SPID registration and 30 minutes follow-up questions

the Payment of up to 1000 euros It is recognized for adults residing in Italy, holders of property rights or other immovable rights, or even personal enjoyment rights already registered on the date of the application, over existing buildings, parts of existing buildings or individual real estate units, in the case of Purchases covered by support during 2021:

  • interventions by Replacing ceramic sanitary ware with new low-exhaust devices;
  • interventions by Replacing taps and fittingsAnd shower heads and shower columns with new devices limit the flow of water.

fall within range water reward Also related work, dismantling and decommissioning of pre-existing systems.

To submit your application, you must submit it via water reward platform The following self-certification returns, along with name, surname, and tax code:

  • amount expenses incurred, for which reimbursement is required;
  • amount we will and installation or installation details;
  • technical specifications, for each element to be replaced by devices that limit the flow of water, as well as specifications for the maximum water flow rate (in l / min) for the purchased product;
  • Define space for the property (municipality, department, urban department, newspaper, plot, subaltern) for which the reimbursement request has been made;
  • Acknowledgment not to take advantage of other tax concessions for the supply, installation and installation of the same goods;
  • Account number in IBAN format where the refund is approved;
  • indication of legal address for which the remuneration is claimed (owner, joint holder, lessee, beneficiary, etc.);
  • Certification of the applicant, in the event that he is not a co-owner or co-owner, by Presidential Decree 445/2000, of the details of the contract to which he is entitled;
  • Certification, by Presidential Decree 445/2000, of Contact occurred with partner/owneralso identified by the name, surname and tax code, for the wish to take advantage of the above bonus.

Aspiring recipients must then attach A copy of the electronic invoice or commercial document that Finance Law To the applicant for credit.

Instead it is also valid Invoice or commercial documentbut in this case the seller must provide all the detailed data with Water Reward Operator Model Made available by MITE.

give her 12 noon on February 17So , Aspiring beneficiaries of the water reward Will be able to use the platform to request repayment: Users can access 30 minutes to enter data and attachmentsin a Three hours after posting Under no circumstances can we intervene to correct the transmitted information.

everyone Details on how to proceed properly Contained in instruction manual From water reward platform published by MITE, more information can also be requested through Dedicated call center for the number 800090545.

Ministry of Environmental Transformation – Instruction Manual Water Reward Platform
A user guide for the Water Rewards Platform published by the Ministry of Environmental Transformation.


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