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Was it a warning from Putin after a month of mediation? –

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to Marco Amarisio

His Ukrainian roots, his friendship with Zelensky, the Sevens in which he proposed himself as a mediator with Kyiv. He brought a handwritten note from the Ukrainian president to Putin. But the oligarch and former patron of Chelsea, who owes everything to the Kremlin and always obeys the Tsar, knows this time that he can do no wrong. He also returned to the field in Istanbul

I wonder if it was because of that photo. Years ago, reporters summoned the first interview a Roman Abramovich, owner of Chelsea FC that just won the Premier League titleNote the black and white picture of the woman in a small frame. When asked who this person is, the shy billionaire cut short. My grandmother said. He who changed the subject even for once. Her name was Faina Mikhailenko. She was born and raised in Kyiv, like her husband Vasily. He fled the Ukrainian capital in 1941, while Nazi forces were invading his country. Thus he saved himself from the Babin Yar massacre, which took place three months after his departure, in which more than thirty-three thousand Ukrainian Jews were killed. With her, Faina brought her last daughter, Irina, only two years old, who in 1966 was to give birth to a child named roman.

The crazy weeks of the world’s most famous oligarchs have begun Daughter Sophia, who with an Instagram story was the first daughter of Western Russians, rebelled to say no to war.. That was on February 26th. A few days later, to the general surprise, while some of his fellow oligarchs stood against the special military operation, and kept silent as usual, He was even referred to by Volodymyr Zelensky as a negotiator for peace talks. And immediately the news leaked that he only agreed after obtaining the approval of the Kremlin.

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His presence was almost like tinsel. While that, Former Chelsea owner now, a Russian, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Israeli national tried. Watch the routes traveled by the chartered plane by a private Turkish company, with Continuous flights between Moscow, Istanbul, Kiev, Warsaw and Minsk. The Ukrainian president clarified that the oligarch was part of the Russian delegation for an unspecified subcommittee, but expanded his work to include humanitarian issues, while also taking care to facilitate the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol with his own resources. It is almost a way to take sides without saying a word. But in these bizarre negotiations, where the Russians sitting at the table admit that they have no direct contact with the Kremlin, Roman Abramovich has always been the key to getting to Putin.

And on Wednesday, he did it, arriving in Moscow for Get him a handwritten note from Zelensky on which the terms of ending the war were written. Telling him I would destroy her, would have been Putin’s gloomy-looking answer. It doesn’t matter so much Relative severity of poisoning Abramovich and three other Ukrainian diplomats suffered on March 3. And it does this too in Istanbul, in the negotiations that began today, March 29: some Turkish journalists posted pictures on Twitter showing the oligarch sitting listening to the speech of the delegations of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Bellingcat Group, a Netherlands-based investigative journalism agency, was able to obtain some images documenting Abramovich’s situation after Chocolate and water poisoningThe only food the delegation ate that evening. Based on analyzes done remotely and even on the spot, it was decided that it could be a file Chemical attack carried out in modest doses. Warning. The really important thing was that Abramovich knew where to go. He knew what happens to those who anger the Tsar. He knew he was taking a risk.

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It was there, at a private dinner at his residence in Novo-Ogarevo, when they switched to cognac, that Putin ordered his friend Mikhail Khodorkovsky Don’t fund communists anymore. When he replied that he did not want to obey, the chief blushed, and all the guests were turned away. After several months, Dissident oligarch to Siberian prison.

in these years, Abramovich witnessed many of his former comrades from the fall of the Commonsbrilliant young people who grew up in the Youth Union of the Russian Communist Party and then got rich thanks to privatization in the 1990s. He, the ex-carrier of Boris Yeltsin, is one of the few of those first rescued broods. He did it the only way possible. obedienceHe bows his head, indulged. When Putin ordered him to take over as governor of Kokotka, a frozen region forgotten by God and mankind, he remained there for eight years, from 2000 to 2008. He financed that region out of his own pocket, spending tens of billions of rubles. anything that satisfies the president mr.

Until February 24th. Since then, he has made clear in every way what he really thinks about this war. Finally share. Sometimes, more than heritage appeal, it’s blood that counts.

Mar 29, 2022 (change on Mar 29, 2022 | 11:51am)

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