Home Top News War Ukraine-Russia, US, EU, GB and Canada: ‘Some banks outside Swift’. Van der Leyen: ‘Let’s shut down the central bank’

War Ukraine-Russia, US, EU, GB and Canada: ‘Some banks outside Swift’. Van der Leyen: ‘Let’s shut down the central bank’

War Ukraine-Russia, US, EU, GB and Canada: ‘Some banks outside Swift’.  Van der Leyen: ‘Let’s shut down the central bank’

The United States And thisEuropean unionWith England And CanadaFind the contract and exempt from it Swift – Circulation System of International Financial Transactions – “Selected Russian Banks”. In a new wave of activity, Western powers are also imposing sanctions Central Bank of Russia Therefore the reserves at its disposal cannot mitigate the effects of the sanctions that have been decided. They are also launching a crackdown on so-called ‘gold passports’, effectively targeting oligarchy and accelerating the war on misinformation.

In a joint statement, the Allies “condemn the war of choice” Vladimir Putin Reaffirm their support for the Ukrainian government and people involved in the “heroic effort against the Russian invasion”. The war launched by Putin “reflects an attack on basic international ethics and what happened in the aftermath of World War II. We will ensure that this war is a strategic failure. Putin“The note continues, promising that Western leaders will continue to impose costs to further isolate Russia from financial institutions and our economies.

In detail, the Allies “will ensure the removal of selected Russian banks Swift. This will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the International Monetary Fund. Excluding Russia from Swift was a far-fetched hypothesis that until a few days ago it was a nuclear option. Swift stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, a secure, globally accepted messaging system that standardizes the rapid payment of fees for goods, services, raw materials, and energy products. Orders, currency exchanges, sales and purchases are with more than 11,000 participating firms and financial institutions. 200 countries And a transport 42 million News per day.

The joint note of Western leaders explains the determination to “impose restrictions on the Russian central bank from decentralizing its international reserves” to mitigate the effects of sanctions on other measures. According to some estimates, the central bank will be 643 billion Reserve dollars accumulated by President Vladimir Putin before the planned invasion of Ukraine.

“We promise to take action against the people and companies that are leading the war in Ukraine. In particular, we are committed to taking steps to restrict the so-called Golden Passports, which allow” rich Russians affiliated with Moscow to become citizens of our countries and access our financial institutions, in which reference to Western allies continues. ” Countries pledge to launch the Atlantic Task Force to ensure effective implementation of sanctions by identifying and disabling the assets of embargoed individuals and companies.


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