Singer and extraordinary woman. This is what happens in it Verna Lizzie. The woman who gave up on HollywoodThe documentary is a tribute to the interpreter. Marking the local singer’s 86th birthday, the film focused on her arrival at Sky Arte.
Written and directed by Fabrizio Corallo, Verna Lizzie. The woman who gave up on Hollywood Celebrating the great Italian actress. aired on Sky Arte Tuesday, November 8 at 9.15 pm, also available live on NOW and on demand, is an exciting portrait of one of the most beloved and popular artists of all time in our movie history. With his charm and personality, he has spent sixty years entertaining, in a style that cannot be imitated.
The feature film is an emotional journey through life and career Verna Lizzie that carries us along a career path, which began by chance and from a very young age, only fourteenquickly exploded with an increasingly popular success thanks to popular cinema, confirmed by the great authors: Masselli, Steno, Jeremy, Monicelli, Matoli, Cavani, Corbucci, Fulsi, Latwada, Dino Rizzi, Luigi Comenseni, Emilio, Vanzina, Cristina Comenseni … the directors who They always found in Virna Lisi a sign of charm and even more of an interpretive quality that combines art and familiarity with onlookers.
Verna Lizzie. The woman who gave up on Hollywoodin honor of our domestic anti-singer lament that just doesn’t exist. New Marilyn
Constantly working with exemplary commitment and professionalism, Virna Lisi made the transition from entertainment to composed cinema, from theater to very lucky acquaintance with dramas and TV series. An art and a profession told through great film images, extraordinary archival material (many coming from the Los Cinecitta archives and from the unpublished family archives) and testimonies of those who participated in the film side by side: among others. Liliana CavaniAnd the Enrico VanzinaAnd the Bobby AvatiAnd the Christina ComcinciniAnd the buy a margaritaAnd the Jerry KallaAnd the Massimo GuineaAnd the Enrico Lucerini.
Another “discovery” of the film is the Hollywood break, when in the 1960s she was called to Los Angeles to cover the role of New Marilyn(This was her fame, even internationally) Ditching a seven-year contract with an American major after three films and a dazzling start to escaping the strict rules that she felt required too much and returning permanently with and with her husband Franco Pesci. Corrado’s son.
In the image of a frank real woman, bound by non-negotiable values, the luminous image of a modern movie star focuses on the special talents of an actress who often willingly accepted to “get ugly” (as in the symbolic case of de Queen Margot Written by Patrice Cherou, who won Best Actress at Cannes in 1994) has always sought quality in a profession that faces constant passion and has always been received by critics with interest and respect and by audiences with unconditional admiration.