John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

US and Seoul missiles in response to North Korea’s test on Japan – Asia

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South Korea and the United States launched five surface-to-surface missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan (East Sea) In response to North Korea’s first ballistic test in eight months. A sixth missile, a short-range Hyumoo-2, fell to the ground in Gangneung in the northeast, already panicking residents of the coastal city over Pyongyang’s increasingly provocative missile tests. The explosion and subsequent fire caused by the missile, which landed on an air base on the outskirts of the city, led many to believe it was a North Korean attack. Subsequently, Seoul announced that the accident was an accident, that there were no injuries, and that it was investigating the causes of the missile’s “flight anomalous.” The five missiles successfully launched are four Tactical Military Missile Systems (ATACMS) and another Hyumoo-2.

The missile landed inside an air base on the outskirts of the city. The military announced that it was investigating the causes of the missile’s “flying abnormality”. Earlier, South Korea’s General Staff announced that four missiles of the Army’s Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) and another Hyumoo-2 missile were successfully launched during the joint exercises in response to North Korea’s provocation. In fact, yesterday Pyongyang conducted its first ballistic test in eight monthslaunched an IRBM missile that traveled about 4,600 km and flew over Japan.

Yesterday, North Korea tested a medium-range ballistic missile (IRBEM) capable of flying over Japan for the first time in eight months, According to the results of the Seoul Army. The Joint Chiefs of Staff of South Korea reported that it detected the launch from Mupyong-ri, in the northern Jagang province, which was carried out at 7.23 local time (00.23 in Italy): the missile flew about 4,500 km, confirming the defeat of Japan and hitting a peak of about 970 km and a top speed of Mach 17. The intelligence authorities of South Korea and the United States are conducting a detailed analysis to verify the specifications of the missile, which, in the first analysis, indicates the Hwasong-12 missile, which in January flew about 800 km at a maximum altitude of 2,000 km.

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“North Korea’s series of ballistic missile provocations will enhance the deterrence and response capabilities of the South Korea-US alliance and will only deepen North Korea’s isolation from the international community,” the leadership said in a note. A provocative act that “undermines peace and stability not only on the Korean peninsula but also in the international community, in ‘clear’ violation of UN Security Council resolutions.”

Japan, for its part, said the missile “probably” flew over the country, warning residents not to move to shelters. “It appears that North Korea fired a missile. Please evacuate buildings or underground,” the Japanese government said in an alert issued at 7:29 local time (12:29 a.m. in Italy). National broadcaster NHK said the alert was in effect in two northern regions of the country. At about 8 a.m. local time (1 a.m. in Italy), the Japanese Prime Minister’s office then tweeted that “a bullet that appears to be a North Korean ballistic missile may have flown over Japan.” The Japan Coast Guard said in a statement that the missile had indeed fallen into the sea and warned ships not to approach any falling objects.

The US Asia-Pacific Command condemned the missile launch, saying that “Washington’s commitment to defending Japan and Korea remains unwavering.” “The United States condemns these actions and calls on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to refrain from any further illegal and destabilizing action,” It came in a statement. The White House also reported that National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan spoke separately with his counterparts in South Korea and Japan to elicit an “adequate and robust international response” and reaffirm the United States’ “iron commitment” to the defense of Japan and South Korea. spokeswoman Adrian Watson said in a statement.

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Also yesterday, a few hours after North Korea launched the missile, South Korea and the United States launched a specific exercise dedicated to “precision bombing”.. A South Korean F-15K dropped two Jadam bombs on a firing range located on the uninhabited island of Jikdo in the Yellow Sea. The operation, according to the South Korean command, was the result of joint exercises with US warplanes in attack programs that mobilized four US F-15Ks and four US F-16s. Through joint exercises of flight and precision attack, South Korea and the United States expressed their readiness to respond harshly to any threat from the North, As well as their ability to launch a precise attack at the origin of provocations based on their strong alliance,” explained a note from the Seoul leadership.

for this part, European Union Council President Charles Michel denounced the North Korean missile launch as “unjustified aggression”.“We strongly condemn North Korea’s deliberate attempt to jeopardize security in the region by launching a ballistic missile at Japan. Unjustified aggression, in flagrant violation of international law,” Michel wrote on Twitter. Subsequently, the foreign ministers of the United States, Japan and South Korea strongly condemned the missile launch. from North Korea. This was reported by the South Korean Yonhap Agency, referring to phone calls between American Anthony Blinken, Japanese Yoshimasa Hayashi and South Korean Park Jin. Park and Blinken – according to Seoul – share the view that the launch represented a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions, a “serious provocation” and a serious threat to peace and stability.

North Korea’s launch of its first ballistic missile over Japanese airspace in more than five years will also herald the arrival of more weapons tests, including the fearsome seventh nuclear explosion.. The North Korean initiative matured, when the official media did not report on leader Kim Jong Un for more than three weeks, with military exercises conducted by the United States, South Korea and Japan, and after the visit of US Vice President Kamala Harris. In Tokyo and Seoul, suggesting that the stricken country’s move may be for the purpose of a political reaction.

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The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington-based think tank, released a report on high-resolution satellite images of Airbus Neo collected between September 19 and 29 on its Punggye-ri website. So far hosted atomic bombings.
While it appears that all preparations have been completed in Tunnel 3 (for the United States and South Korea, everything is ready for testing), CSIS analysts have surprisingly discovered new work in progress in Tunnel 4, amid clear signs in front of an entrance and construction of an access road. The work could be part of expanding North Korea’s nuclear testing capabilities Beyond Tunnel 3, or it could be part of a “strategic deception plan” to mislead. There is only one certainty at the moment: the timing of the seventh nuclear test remains in the hands of Kim Jong-un alone and exclusively, according to analysts. For him, the decision to go ahead or not.

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