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Ukraine russia war, latest news today july 10. direct

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On the eve of the NATO summit in Vilnius, US President Biden from London stopped Kiev’s accession to the alliance: \”Kiev is not ready to join NATO, the war ends first\”. Biden will meet Sunak today at Downing Street and King Charles III at Windsor Castle before traveling to Lithuania: \”I think we have to chart a course, but it’s too early to ask for a vote now\”. Ukrainian President Zelensky said that US assistance should remain a political priority. Meanwhile, Kiev insists on cluster munitions: important for \ n

Restore parity on the battlefield. While Moscow brings up an incident in Zaporozhye during the NATO summit, explosions were recorded in Mykolaiv, with anti-aircraft alerts in 4 regions.




Russia, the revolutionaries march without firing a shot. What happened


Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive maps


Tactical nuclear weapons: what are they, differences with strategy, implications


Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO


Zelensky’s story from former comedian to wartime president. picture


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“,”postId”:”06bc4527-9d55-43a6-9719-2fe6c10f97f4″}]”,”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T05:50:52.440Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 07:50:52+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca: respinti 70 attacchi in direzione Lugansk”,”content”:”

Le forze armate russe hanno respinto più di 70 attacchi dell’esercito ucraino nella direzione di Lugansk in una settimana. Lo rende noto il tenente colonnello Andrey Marochko secondo quanto riporta la Tass. \”Durante la scorsa settimana, le forze armate della Federazione Russa hanno respinto circa 72 attacchi nemici nella direzione tattica di Lugansk. Piu’ di 2.600 militanti e mercenari ucraini sono stati eliminati\”, ha detto.

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“,”postId”:”7ca69ea8-4c2d-47f4-b0aa-92097a88b902″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T05:50:17.232Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 07:50:17+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Viceministra difesa Kiev: forze avanzano a sud di Bakhmut”,”content”:”

Le truppe ucraine registrano una \”netta avanzata\” sul fianco sud della citta’ di Bakhmut, nell’est del Paese. Lo ha reso noto su Telegram la viceministra della Difesa ucraina, Hanna Malyar. \”Nella direzione di Bakhmut, il nemico è sulla difensiva. Feroci combattimenti sono continuati nelle aree meridionali di Melitopol e Berdyansk\” ha affermato spiegando che l’esercito di Kiev sta consolidando i successi in quelle aree

“,”postId”:”f7112ba2-ebf6-4e01-ba5b-0bc77136085a”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T04:51:15.342Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 06:51:15+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, corsa dei russi all’acquisto di case a Mariupol”,”content”:”

La città simbolo della prima fase della guerra movimenta il mercato immobiliare russo. Fioriscono i siti di vendita e di affitti delle case nel centro che si affaccia sul mar d’Azov. Mosca sostiene di aver ristrutturato, a marzo di quest’anno, 1.829 edifici e ricostruito 36 condomini con un prezzo medio per appartamento che si aggira sui tre milioni di rubli, l’equivalente di 30mila euro. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”0e8e3f3b-accd-4293-bd5d-e27956003214″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T04:50:50.343Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 06:50:50+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Wagner, tra l’esilio in Bielorussia e l’Africa: come cambierà l’esercito di Prigozhin”,”content”:”

Il capo dei miliziani russi starebbe già scontando il suo \”esilio\” nel Paese di Minsk, come confermato dal presidente Lukashenko. E i suoi soldati, stimati intorno ai 25mila? \”\”Siamo a breve distanza dal confine bielorusso con l’Ucraina\”, fa sapere il loro responsabile dell’addestramento alle armi pesanti. E aggiunge: la milizia \”lavora in Siria, Libia, Repubblica Centrafricana, Mali\”. L’APPROFONDIMENTO

“,”postId”:”7bed40f0-cc75-4997-a4c0-1045cb3248c7″}]} “query = ‘{“live”:true,”configurationName”:”LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”,”liveblogId”:c437cd6a-e01b-428a-bf75-db70646e20fc”,”tenant”:”tg24″,”page”:1} ‘>

On the eve of the NATO summit in Vilnius, US President Biden from London stopped Kiev’s accession to the alliance: “Kiev is not ready to join NATO, the war ends first.” Biden will meet Sunak today at Downing Street and King Charles III at Windsor Castle before traveling to Lithuania: “I think we have to chart a course, but it’s too early to ask for a vote now.” Ukrainian President Zelensky said that US assistance should remain a political priority. Meanwhile, Kiev insists on cluster munitions: important

READ  Oleg Orlov, Russian dissident and Nobel laureate: “There are mistakes on the left about Putin: He is a ferocious imperialist. Peace with him? It would be like Munich with Hitler.”

Restore parity on the battlefield. While Moscow brings up an incident in Zaporozhye during the NATO summit, explosions were recorded in Mykolaiv, with anti-aircraft alerts in 4 regions.


Russia, the revolutionaries march without firing a shot. What happened

Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive maps

Tactical nuclear weapons: what are they, differences with strategy, implications

Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO

Zelensky’s story from former comedian to wartime president. picture

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He lives

Moscow: Repelling 70 attacks in the direction of Luhansk

The Russian armed forces repulsed more than 70 attacks by the Ukrainian army in the direction of Luhansk within a week. This was announced by Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Marushko, according to reports from TASS. “Over the past week, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation repelled about 72 enemy attacks in the Luhansk Tactical Directorate. More than 2,600 Ukrainian militants and mercenaries were eliminated,” he said.

Deputy Defense Minister Kiev: The forces are advancing south of Bakhmut

Ukrainian forces are making “clear progress” on the southern flank of the city of Bakhmut, in the east of the country. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Hanna Malyar, on Telegram. “In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy is on the defensive. Fierce fighting continued in the southern regions of Melitopol and Berdyansk,” he said, explaining that the Kiev army is consolidating its successes in those areas.

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Ukraine, Russians rush to buy homes in Mariupol

The symbolic city of the first stage of the war moved the Russian real estate market. Home sale and rental sites are flourishing in the center on the Sea of ​​Azov. Moscow claims to have renovated, in March this year, 1,829 buildings and rebuilt 36 housing units with an average apartment price of around three million rubles, equivalent to 30,000 euros. Read the article

Wagner, Between Exile in Belarus and Africa: How Prigozhin’s Army Will Change

And the leader of the Russian militia is already serving his “exile” in the country of Minsk, as confirmed by President Lukashenko. And his estimated 25,000 soldiers? “We are a short distance from the Belarusian border with Ukraine,” says the head of the heavy weapons training, and adds: the militia “operates in Syria, Libya, the Central African Republic and Mali.”

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