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Ukraine Russia, news of today’s war | US 007 ultimatum. Moscow can use nuclear weapons

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From Lorenzo Cremonese, Andrea Nicastro and Paolo Foschi

News of the war on Thursday, June 30, live

The war came in Ukraine Today 127.
The Russians continue to put pressure on Lysychansk. Kyiv forces lack weapons and ammunition and Indispensable devices such as night vision goggles.

• United States 007: Will Moscow use the atomic bomb? possible. Exchange of new prisoners: The release of 144 Ukrainian soldiers, including 95 fighters of the Azov regiment.
• NATO will increase its presence in Europe: another US battalion and an anti-aircraft defense system will arrive in Italy. The riders left the summit early.
• Stoltenberg: The Allies are ready for a long war. We learned of the invasion in October, and worked to prevent it.
• Zelensky received yesterday the President of Indonesia and the billionaire Richard Branson.

08:25 a.m. – Lysichansk under constant bombardment, no rest

The city is at the fore Lyschansk
Under relentless bombardment, Russia continues its offensive in eastern Ukraine. The regional governor, Serhiy Hayday, told Ukrainian television: The battle continues. The Russians are constantly on the offensive. There is no rest period. Absolutely everything is bombed. Ukrainian authorities have said they are trying to evacuate residents from the city that has been the epicenter of Russian attacks, where about 15,000 people have remained under constant bombardment.

Russian forces encircle the city as they attempt to capture the eastern industrial Donbass region. All roads to and from Lyschansk are under the control of the forces of the Russian Federation and by rebels of the self-proclaimed Lugansk Republic, completely closed Lyschansk-Artemovsk Street, according to Russian official Rodion Miroshnik. The territory of the Lysichansk refinery completely passed under the control of Russian troops.

07:45 – Putin: Russia’s goal liberate Donbass

(Luca Angelini from Prima AuraAs Putin said yesterday, regarding the special military operation (read the invasion) in Ukraine, Russia’s goal liberate Donbass. From Kyiv, the envoy Andrea Nicastro But the director of US intelligence, Avril Haines, disagrees with him: we should expect everything from Moscow. Putin has not given up on the idea of ​​taking over all of Ukraine. It will take years for the Russians to recover. They will be able to advance, but in a limited way and frustration can happen Get them to cyber-attacksto control power grids e Even the use of the atomic bomb. For their part, the Ukrainians must be able to stabilize the front and retake part of the south, the war will be long.
(Here is the military point By Andrea Marinelli and Guido Olympio)

Nicastro also reported that in the largest prisoner exchange since the invasion, 144 Ukrainian soldiers were released from Moscow in exchange for the same number of Russians. Among the Ukrainians were 95 defenders of Mariupol, among them 43 were from the Azov Regiment. Broken tab. Even though the 144 were pretty much seriously injured, the idea of ​​prosecuting them is not an inalienable target.

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07:38 – President Putin Patrushev, clown Medvedev and others. Who really matters in Moscow?

(Marco Amarisio) Almost all of the president’s men. How much do you weigh above all. It is definitely more popular Kremlin science exercises have become a journalistic subgenre, with related predictions about the new tsar in the unlikely event of an abdication, or worse, by Vladimir Putin. Novaya Gazeta, the newspaper produced by the award Nobel Dmitriy Muratov
, performed a different operation. In his online version, the only one now possible, he entrusted some political scientists with evaluating the actual importance of the characters playing the role of warmongers and enemies of the West.

Let’s start with two media villains par excellence, Ramzan Kadyrov
And the Dmitry Medvedev
, the two men who greet Creation every morning with more aggressive words against the enemies of Russia. The Chechen leader attributed himself to the usual rough tones as a bad lieutenant of Putin. But it is undeniable how the war in Ukraine gave him the opportunity to step out of the shadow of the regional leader and play an important role at the federal level. He does not have a chance to replace him, but at least he became an interlocutor for the president. On the other hand, the former Caesar’s dolphin presents an opposite tale. The Novaya Gazeta expert forum agrees on Medvedev. A great future is behind us, and a bleak present. His character no longer belongs to politics, he has become Kind of media clown Says analyst Nikolai Petrov, for example.

Here, the full article

06:09 – Russians: we check all the ways to reach Lyschansk

All roads to and from Lyschansk are controlled by the troops of the Russian Federation and the rebels of the self-proclaimed Lugansk Republic, Lyschansk Artyomovsk Street is completely closed. This was stated by Rodion Miroshnik, the Russian official, according to RIA Novosti. The territory of the Lisichansk refinery completely passed under the control of Russian troops.

06:07 – Zelensky presented video evidence of the attack on the mall

Volodymyr Zelensky presents evidence of Russia’s deliberate missile attack In the Kremenchuck shopping center. The Ukrainian president said that no one would dare lie about this, showing images from a security camera dated June 27 of a missile hitting the facility.

06:03 am – A new anti-aircraft defense system has arrived in Italy from the USA

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Weapons and soldiers to the east.. NATO responds to Vladimir Putin by shifting the military center of gravity towards the borders with Russia and Belarus. Thus, the Madrid summit, which began today, Wednesday, June 29, will mark a historic turning point, adjusting the geopolitical balance even within the Alliance. US-led operation. US President Joe Biden announced a series of moves. The bulk of American forces will remain at German bases, but the weight of Poland is increasing and will permanently host the headquarters of the Fifth Corps of Advanced Commands. In general, the United States will transfer a squadron of fighters from Germany to Lithuania; Airborne infantry unit from Italy to Latvia; parts of a brigade of raiders from Germany to Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary; Patriot missile batteries again from Germany to Slovakia and Poland and finally some F-15s from Great Britain to Poland. not enough. The Pentagon will intensify the rotational shifts and increase the operational readiness of combat units in Poland, in the Baltic states, in Romania. Two more cruisers are also on the way, bringing the total of warships to six at Naval Base Rota in Spain. Is it Italy? A short-range air defense battery of about 70 soldiers, a unit of a battalion stationed in Germany, is on the way.

Read the full article by Monica Gerzoni here

06:01 – The Ukrainian army also faced difficulty due to the technology gap

The Russians keep pressing LyschanskDonbass, locality where Ukrainians settled After leaving Severedonetsk. They’ve been out in the last few hours Worrying news, with supply lines at risk. An uneasy situation for defenders who have to solve equipment problems. Army Ukrainians complained that they did not have enough night vision goggles. I Indispensable in combat, in raids, in contradiction activity. The United States supplied thousands of them, as did other countries, many of those sent by individuals. But it seems insufficient. In March, articles were published claiming that devices equipped with resistance are better than those used by invaders.
Now the narrative has been turned upside down, they assert thatGeneral idea of ​​the difficulty, not limited to need ammo and heavy weapons. that keep coming. Norway will send three long-range bombers while defense sources reveal that Kyiv has purchased 50 Turkish TB2 attack aircraft since the start of the conflict and expected more aircraft to arrive in July (many of which could have been shot down). The Netherlands and Germany promised six long-range PzH 2000 self-propelled guns.

Read here the article of Andrea Marinelli and Guido Olimpio

06:00 am – Amnesty: the attack on the Mariupol theater is a war crime

Destruction of the Mariupol TheaterWhere hundreds of Ukrainian citizens took refuge, classified as a war crime committed by the Russian armed forces. This was stated by Amnesty International in a report. The text also speculates that the number of casualties may be lower than initially thought. Amnesty spoke to dozens of survivors and witnesses of the March 16 bombing and collected evidence including photos, videos and satellite imagery. Analysis of the impact of the missiles on the stage indicates the detonation of 400-800 kilograms of explosives. That is why Amnesty said they may have been two 500kg bombs.

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05:45 – 007 USA: Putin may use nuclear weapons

As the war in Ukraine continues, Russia may use nuclear weapons. This was stated by the number one in the US intelligence, Avril Haines, speaking at the Commerce Department conference. In this time frame, it is possible that Vladimir Putin’s forces will rely on other means such as cyberattacks, energy extortion, or nuclear weapons to try to manage and project power and influence globally, Intelligence Number One explained.

Read the in-depth study here.

05:44 – Gazprom will increase gas supplies to Kaliningrad

Gazprom will increase gas supplies to the Baltic Kaliningrad region. This was reported by the Guardian newspaper, which reported the statements made by the region’s governor, Anton Alikhanov, after a meeting with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. The two sides discussed strengthening energy security in the Russian region bordering Poland and Lithuania. In recent weeks, the Lithuanian authorities have imposed a ban on the transit of goods subject to EU sanctions through its territory to Kaliningrad. Two days ago, the Lithuanian parliament passed a law banning the import of Russian gas. However, the text authorizes the use of the country’s infrastructure by Russian suppliers transporting gas to Kaliningrad.

05:41 – Putin: If NATO deploys troops to Sweden and Finland, we will respond

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Russia will reciprocate if NATO deploys troops and infrastructure in Finland and Sweden after they join the US-led military alliance. Do Sweden and Finland want to join NATO? Putin – quoted by the Guardian – reiterated on Russian state television, emphasizing that they are doing this, emphasizing how they should understand that there was no threat before, while now if military units and infrastructure are deployed there, we will have to respond in a similar way and create threats Equal to the areas from which the threats come to us.

Read here the in-depth analysis of Sweden and Finland’s entry into NATO

30 June 2022 (change on 30 June 2022 | 08:29)

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