John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Ukraine, Live Coverage – “Possible meeting between Zelensky and the Chinese envoy during the day”. USA: “Patriot may have been hit by Russian missiles.” Budapest prevents aid from reaching Kiev

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Kiev: “More Russian attacks in the north to impede our progress”

Russian forces increased their bombardment of the regions of Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Sumy on the northeastern border “to keep the Ukrainian army tense and prevent it from moving to other fronts.” This was corroborated by Ukraine’s deputy defense minister, Hanna Malyar, in an update on Telegram. During the past week, from 8 to 16 May 2023, Russian forces launched 162 attacks in the designated areas. Sumy Oblast suffered the most bombings – 110. Chernihiv – 29. Kharkiv – 23,” Malyar reported. “Russia is waging a war without rules and systematically violating the rules of international humanitarian law. Moreover, through artillery and aerial bombardment in border areas, the enemy is trying to keep our forces in constant tension and prevent them from engaging in other directions.”

Budapest: “It is difficult to reach an agreement on EU financing”

It will be especially difficult to reach a compromise “on sanctions, European Peace Facility (EPF) and economic and financial support measures forUkraineAt the center of the “difficult debates” these days prof Brussels. Written by the Hungarian Foreign Minister in a Facebook post, Peter Szijjartofocusing on how the picture was “complicated” by the inclusion of the Hungarian bank OTP Bank On the Ukrainian list of “international warmongers”, since the closure of Hungarian schools in Transcarpathia (Ukrainian region with a majority Hungarian, ed.) It is intention Kyiv to hit a pipeline transporting Russian crude to Hungaryas revealed Washington Post. The minister will discuss it with his Austrian counterpart. Alexander Schallenbergduring today’s visit to Vienna. in the last days Budapest Preventing the disbursement of the eighth installment of funds from the EPF Fund for Intended Weapons to Ukraine. Moreover, she said she was against restrictive measures against Chinese companies that help Russiaas suggested commission European In the eleventh package of sanctions against He fliesclaiming that it will not change its position until Ukraine removes the Hungarian Otp Bank from its blacklist.

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Parolin: “The Holy See continues to do its part for peace”

“with Pope Francesco We must ask together to UkraineHow to Make Peace: We cannot passively accept that there is war aggression continue in this country. It is the Ukrainian people who stand up death And he suffers. It is time to take steps to create a just peace in Ukraine And in all the so-called gray areas in Europe. I guarantee you that file Holy See It will continue to do its part.” So said the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Peter Parolin, He speaks in the general debate on the last day of the Summit of Heads of State and Government European Councill Reykjavik.

Bloomberg: “The wheat deal will be extended.”

wheat agreement Black Sea “Ready to Extend”, with Russia who now accepts to remain in the charter. report it bloomberg Citing Turkish officials, they said an announcement on the matter was expected today. the Deputy Minister from infrastructure Ukrainian Yuri Vaskov – the agency wrote – it has not yet confirmed the agreement, indicating in a letter that it was too early to comment.

Velorossi: Three killed in an explosion in Donetsk

Three people were killed and two wounded in a new attack Bombing Ukrainian forces on DonetskAccording to what was announced by the mayor, quoting the RIA Novosti agency. The mayor indicated that the attack took place in the area Kuibyshevsky. Previously the same mayor, citing taxHe had reported the death of one person and the wounding of four in shelling in the area Petrovsky.

Kuliba: The coalition will supply Western aircraft within a year

This year there will be one coalition to saveUkraine Western combat aircraft. The foreign minister said so Dmytro Kuleba on Ukrainian national television, adding that some of Ukraine’s allies have expressed their willingness to train the Ukrainian military in the use of Western combat aircraft. “All of this is a consequence international travel It was made by the president and by all of us who work on the diplomatic front – he added coliba – Our priority is the F-16, but we are not eliminating other aircraft options. It’s like me Trolleys armed. Once a file is created coalitioneverything will happen very quickly. ”During the visit of the head of state Volodymyr Zelensky In the United kingdom On May 15, the British Prime Minister feathers Sunak He stated that providing Ukraine with Western fighter jets was “no small thing”, however United kingdom He was nonetheless willing to be “a major part of the coalition” through assistance Ukraine in this effort. the United kingdom It promised to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16s this summer. There is, too France The French president said this “opened the door” to training Ukrainian pilots on how to operate Western combat aircraft Emmanuel Macron after the meeting Zelensky to Paris. Ukraine has received 14 Soviet-era MiG-29 fighter jets from Ukraine Poland and 13 of Slovakia. However, Ukraine has shown more interest in the American F-16, which has been in service since the 1970s and is used by more than 20 countries.

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Putin and my boss sign an agreement to build a railway section

Russian president Vladimir put it in And the Iranian Ibrahim Main Participated today by videoconference in the signing of the agreement for the construction of a railway section between Rasht And Astarain Iranwhich should complement communications on the so-called North-South International Transport Corridor, which is intended for communication street Petersburg to Mumbai 7200 km long. This was reported by Russian agencies. The corridor is designed as an alternative to sea ​​routes that connects Europe withIndian Ocean across the Suez corridor.

Kiev: “The Patriot System Destroyed? Russian Propaganda”

Ukraine Today denied that a rocket Hypersonic Russia destroyed a missile defense system Patriot Made in the United States during the air raid on Kyiv On the night between Monday and Tuesday. “I mean: don’t worry about fate Patriotsaid a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force Yuri Ignat On Ukrainian television, as reported by i middle National. Ignat Rule out the possibility of a missile Kenzal demolish the system Patriotstressing that “the destruction of the (Patriot) system is a kind of Kenzal This is impossible. Everything they say there can remain in their propaganda archive.” Yesterday, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that an air defense system was destroyed during the attack. Patriot. Two US officials later stated that the Patriot system was likely to have immediately Damagebut it didn’t seem like that was it destroyed.

Finland: Moscow froze the bank accounts of the embassy

Ministry foreign Finnish complained about that Russia Freeze the bank accounts of the representations Finns. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that the accounts of the Finnish representatives in Russia It is frozen and cannot be used. The situation is serious and a question The ministry said, foreign Commenting on Finland’s largest newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. In addition to the Finnish Embassy a He fliesthere is a consulate general of Finland to Saint Petroburgo.

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Ukraine, power outages in 4 regions after yesterday’s attacks

In particular, in the district Dnepropetrovsk (southeast) 6 thousand families They were left without electricity, while V.I Donetsk A mine with 30 miners was cut off from the power grid. “one of electrical lines in the area Dnepropetrovsk The ministry explained that it was cut off yesterday due to hostilities. Damage occurred, which led to more than 6,000 subscribers being cut off.” An airline in the Donetsk region was also disrupted due to the bombing. “As a result, a mine was cut down, in which there were more than 30 people,” the ministry added. Sumy Some facilities in the regions DonetskZaporizhia, SumyKharkiv Kherson And Chernihiv Staying without electricity because of yesterday’s bombings.

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