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The winds of science: how science changes while we are with it

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Bergamo – The curtain has fallen on the XX edition of Bergamo But the commitment to promoting the festival continues with the exhibition The winds of science. How science is changing. and we are with hercreated by the BergamoScienza Association at the Bergamo Science Center.

Divided into four holistic areas – space and evolution, neuroscience and health, environment and energy, and science and the arts – the exhibition is an immersive experience in BergamoScienza’s twenty-year history. A journey through the scientific discoveries of recent years, thanks to the most authoritative voices of the Italian and international scientific community.

Interactive installations and exhibits lead visitors to discover human evolution, current and future goals for space exploration, and the relationship between humans and the planet’s resources: you can shop on supermarket shelves and understand how much water we consume and how much carbon dioxide we consume; You can enjoy the training spacesuit of the Apollo astronauts and the prototype of the future human suits to Mars; You can take part in a quiz on the topics covered by the festival in previous editions.

Curiosity: In the Space and Evolution section, you can even see the first possible Bergamo meteorite, found in 2020 by a young Seriate on the slopes of Monte Costone.

“Anyone who visits the gallery will be able to see that art and science are more closely related than one might think,” says Alessandro Petonagli, curator. “Using technologies in support of artistic expression, and topics of scientific research as a pretext for creating new artistic languages ​​and mathematical art to support musical compositions. The synergy between art and science has created beauty throughout our history. This and much more can be found in the exhibition: it is not science that makes a show but a show of science.”

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The exhibition witnesses the purpose of the festival since its inception: to introduce science into the daily life of everyone, enthusiastic and curious, adults and children, translating numbers, formulas, theories and scientific processes into understandable terms.

“Science is necessary if we want to improve our lives more and more,” the organizers say. Scientific publishing will be the main tool for dissemination of science at all levels of society.

The exhibition was designed by Alessandro Betonagli, Luca Perry, Diego Mattarelli, Emanuela Bagliari. The scientific supervision is carried out by Diego Mattarelli and Emanuela Bagliari. The installation was supervised by Alessandro Petonagli and The Boss.

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