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Ossola 24 – Between School and Science: Hit, there will be a new release

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Domodossola – 09-05-2023 – Marco Persanelli finished the second edition of “Between School and Science”.

The cycle of conferences on the scientific theme “Between School and Science”, organized in collaboration with the Instituto Marconi-Galetti-Enaudi and Liceo Spezia, sponsored by the Municipality of Domodossola and with the valuable contribution of the Mario Rominelli Cultural Association, ended on Tuesday 2 May.

The final speaker, Professor Marco Persanelli, communicated his enthusiasm and passion to a large student audience during the morning and to a very interested audience of adults in the afternoon.

In his speech, the professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Milan actually ranged from “from quarks to galaxies,” as the title promised.

The relationship developed starting from the description of the nuclear fusion processes that take place inside the cores of stars, which were fully revealed by the Borexino experiment, carried out in the depths of the Gran Sasso National Laboratories.

In the second part of his speech, Dr. Bersanelli dealt with the structure of the visible universe and the results of the Planck experiment of the European Space Agency, of which he himself was scientific director for many years, which, thanks to a highly advanced space telescope, analyzed the background radiation that reaches us from the most remote points of the universe and tells us about the first moments of its existence.

The review is primarily designed to provide high school students with the opportunity to learn about the frontiers of science and technology, as well as to inspire and guide them in their future choices of study and work. She also wanted to open up to the city, to offer everyone who was curious and interested in it a vision of the paths taken by scientific research.

The organizers say they are satisfied with the feedback from the students (more than nine hundred students, spread over the six meetings that made up the review) and from those who participated in the afternoon conferences. Then they hope that time will show the fruits of their initiative, with young people who decide to undertake scientific studies and embark on the professional path of research.

In the meantime, we are already thinking about the next release: goodbye to “Between School and Science – 2024”.


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