John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

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The most “beaten” city with high bills (see table below) is Alexandria, where electricity, gas and diesel expenses fly by 88.6% compared to January 2022. Silver and bronze go to two other cities in Piedmont: Vercelli, with +87.1%; and Biella, with 86.1%. It is the sad platform for the complete ranking of cities with the largest annual increases (regarding electricity and gas) put together by the National Federation of Consumers, processing Istat data relating to the month of January 2023. According to Unc, Perugia is outside the platform (+85.8%), Novara (+85.7%) ), Terni (+84.5%) and Cuneo (+85.3%), while Imperia (+85%) is in eighth place, followed by Turin (+84.4%). Closing the top ten is Genoa, which scores +82.6%.

Ranking of the most virtuous cities

On the other hand, the ranking of least harassed cities sees Potenza in first place, which indicates “only” +35.2%. In second place is Usta with +50.8%. The lowest score of the Utopia podium is Olbia-Tempio with +51%. Then follow Napoli (+ 51.4%), Gorizia (+ 51.7%), Benevento (+ 53.1%), in seventh place is Caserta (+ 53.5%), then Avellino (+ 53.7%) and Trieste (+ 54.6%). Pordenone and Udine round out the top 10, to name a few with +54.7%.

Duty free light: +248.3%

On a national level, the survey, conducted by the National Federation of Consumers, compares the change in electricity and gas prices over the past three years, between free and protected markets. From June 2021 (i.e. before the price hike from July) to January 2023, Italy’s free market light increased by 248.3% (see table below) against 108.4% of the protected market, more than doubling (+129%), taking Considering the first useful gas data disclosed by Istat, December 2021, since then free gas has increased by 141.1% versus a 7.4% decrease in protected gas. In 3 years, from January 2020 to January 2023, the free jump light jumped by 262.8%, for +115.8% protection.

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“Removing the free market is a disgrace”

By analyzing the trend of the Istat indicators, compiled with line graphs (graphs No. 1 and 2), it is clear that following a similar trend or with an increase in protected gas greater than the free trend, during the year 2022 (from August to gas and from May to light) The situation has reversed and the free market price has literally exploded. In this context, the removal of the protected market, whose electricity expires in the common spaces of the condominiums on April 1, 2023, practically within a month, is a real shame! Free gift to sellers and confiscating the pockets of families. We wonder what the government is waiting for to wake up and address the injustice of discriminating against those who live in a condominium from those who live in a villa, for which the deadline remains January 10, 2024 “, says Massimiliano Donna, president of the National Consumer Federation.

Sting per family 907.50 euros

For electricity, gas and other fuels, an element that includes gas and electricity (free and protected market), diesel for heating and solid fuels, if in January the increase in Italy is equal to 67.3% compared to the previous year, with the sting per household an average of 907.50 euros on an annual basis, and in some Cities was approaching 90 percent.

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