It will be shown for the first time at the 17th Rome Film Festival Recent movie starsThe new HBO Max documentary series directed by Ethan Hawke and produced by Martin Scorsese: Here’s what to expect from the special coming to our local festival.
An epic six-episode story celebrating one of Hollywood’s great husbands: Paul Newman And the Joanne Woodward. The unforgettable couple, among the most beloved in the cinema, was also chosen as the hero in the poster of the seventeenth edition of the film. Rome Film Festival. The series will arrive in preview at a highly anticipated local movie event and will be available from December exclusively on Sky and broadcast on NOW.

Recent movie starsAnniversary of Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward at the Rome Film Festival: what to expect
there Rome Film Festival The next one will open its doors October 13 It will light up the capital Until October 23. Over the course of ten days, the Eternal City will see the arrival of many projects, Italian and international, in different formats: feature films, short films and TV series will support the eagerly awaited 17th edition of our local festival. A look at the event’s official poster will wink at Hollywood: the poster featuring the film’s protagonists highlights it Paul Newman and his wife Joanne Woodward. The pair, among the most long-lived and lovable couples on the big screen, will also be the protagonist of a retrospective curated by Mario Sisti and opened by one of the three daughters of the two stars, Melissa Newman. The honor will also culminate in the presentation of the unpublished docu series, Recent movie stars.

Photo by Lewis Goldman/History of Image Researchers/Getty Images
Project starts from Typewriting From audio tapes Newman recorded it himself – then destroyed it – including the great Hollywood actors George Clooney And the Laura LinneyThey gave new life to their voices. The docu series interweaves testimonies and archival traces with unforgettable chains of great films.

Recent movie stars It adds to the already long list of titles that have come together in recent days. Especially in the introduction to the reality TV series in addition to this project that takes advantage of direction From Ethan Hawkewill reach Rome Film Festival Also the highly anticipated second season of Romulus – The War for Rome, they shot almost entirely into the protolites. In addition to the domestic series, the event will also be welcomed Caravaggio’s shadow and international series djangoBoth will have their world premiere in Rome.