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The 2022 edition of “Caffè Scienza. Unusual events in the chat bar “in Modena

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The new version of “Caffè Scienza – unusual gossip from the pub”, the traditional version, is on the starting line Unimore Scientific Publication Meetings Course with the Support and cooperation of the Marco Biagi Foundation This year it is sponsored by ISDE Medici per l’Ambiente.

Science Coffee arose as an informal opportunity to meet and discuss an interesting scientific topic, in an enjoyable environment and in the company of subject matter experts.

The goal of this type of initiative, which falls within the university’s so-called “third mission”, is to consolidate the relationship between the research world, citizenship and the local community, as well as reduce distance – even physical: often takes place in places inaccessible to the public – and is between Scientists and residents. Initiatives of this kind could revitalize the trust that scientists still have and make Modena a more university city.

is expected Eight meetings with free admissionAlways Tuesday evening from 19.00 to 20.30start From September 27 to December 6with completely different themes: they range from the relationship between art and science to renewable energy, from cannabis to talent in sports, and from the evolution of human language to the history of Italy.

appointments2022 edition, designed and curated As usual by Professor Marcelo Pintias in previous years At the Caffè Concerto in Modena (On Piazza Grande).

“The context is deliberately informal – Comments a. Binty – It is not a conference in which there are those who speak and those who listen. You can sit, rest, order a drink (not just coffee), listen to the interventions and ask questions, and ask for clarifications and explanations”.

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Inaugural meeting on September 27 The professor will see. Marco Sula (Department of Life Sciences, Unimore) discusses with the audience about “parallel convergences. Consistency in science and painting.

The exhibition concludes on December 6 by Prof. Dr. Issa Donatella Luiselli (Professor at the University of Bologna), who will tell the genetic history of Italy.

The scientific committee of the initiative, consisting of Dr. Issa, contributed to the development of the program Lara Giblini (Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences for Mother, Child and Adult), by Prof.Dr. Mauro Mandrioli (Department of Life Sciences), Prof. Sa Melina Nasi (Department of Surgery, Medicine, Dentistry and Morphological Sciences), and by Prof. Dr. Gianfranceso Zanetti (law Department).

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