Home entertainment Star Wars: According to a report, Lucasfilm has no idea what to do with the new films | Cinema

Star Wars: According to a report, Lucasfilm has no idea what to do with the new films | Cinema

Star Wars: According to a report, Lucasfilm has no idea what to do with the new films |  Cinema

These days, epic star Wars Returned to Disney Plus with Andor (Read the review of the first three episodes), the TV series you filmed Lucas Film with Tony Gilroyformer screenwriter and “Ghost Director” From the critically acclaimed episodic movie rogue one.

If, on the one hand, as we also saw during the D23 exhibition, the future of television star Wars It looks very rich between live action and animated series, but with the movie, it’s Lucas Film Little groping in the dark. The only movie that was announced months and months ago, Rogue SquadronAnd the Recently removed from release calendar. Movie star Wars Directed by Taika Waititi And the ones produced by Kevin Feige are devoid of substantial updates, while Rian Johnson’s new Trilogy We only know that he is still alive. Whatever that means.

It is no coincidence that D23 . Gallery There was talk of something new Indiana Jonesbut there is no movie star Wars.

The matter was investigated by well-known and insider Scooper Matthew Belloni in the latest episode of his podcast, Citywhich you can listen to spotify.

Belloni gives his interpretation of the facts based on the information in his possession:

While Andor appears to be a successful series, talking about the new series produced by Tony Gilroy, keep in mind that, in my view, running the Star Wars franchise has been horrible since the Lucasfim purchase. More than anything else in the cinematic side. If we look at the story in retrospect and analyze it… it’s not the best. Already the fact that they hastened the release of The Force Awakens that was initially supposed to appear in the summer of 2015, but eventually realized that “We can’t do that” And it’s not like they postponed it, they moved it to December, so they had to expedite it anyway.

They also had no idea what they were going to do in the next episode when they filmed The Force Awakens. From what I was told, it was JJ Abrams’ decision who would say it “Meanwhile, let’s do it well, and then we’ll understand the rest”. Then they had Rian Johnson do the next chapter who made changes to the franchise they didn’t know how to deal with in the third movie of that trilogy. JJ Abrams basically pulled Palpatine out of the hat and proved it “The big villain will be the emperor!” Even if it wasn’t at least before.

Then he adds:

In short, the management was awful and they had to pause the movies. Kathleen Kennedy hired the directors after the directors tried to figure out what these stories were supposed to be about. And he found nothing worthy of approval. Rogue Squadron…was meant to be run by Patty Jenkins and removed from the calendar. Everyone in Hollywood knew they would never do that because they couldn’t find the story. And that’s despite announcing with great fanfare that Patty Jenkins was in attendance at Investor Day in which she explained just how amazing her movie was. He didn’t even know what he was going to talk about! That’s why the focus is mainly on broadcasting, they’ve been very fortunate that Jon Favreau did The Mandalorian that came out so well and the other series that came out, which is a good thing. But Star Wars has lost its place as “special event”, Movies are at this idle stage which is a big problem. I strongly believe that things have to change at Lucasfilm.

Find all information about Andor In our TV series profile.

What do you think of Matthew Belloni’s words about the Star Wars saga and how Lucasfilm manages it? If you are registered with BadTaste+, you can give your opinion in the comment box below!


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