John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Spazio Sette Libreria opens in the historic center of Rome

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In the historic building of Cavallerini Lazzaroni, a stone’s throw from Largo Argentina

In Rome, near Largo Argentina, exactly on Via Barbieri 7, in the historic baroque palace Cavallerini Lazzaroni, a new library has opened thanks to the enthusiasm of five young dreamers, Davide, Irene, Piero, Paola, Daniele and the Ubik franchise network of libraries.

For the name they preferred to leave the name of the most prestigious design store which for more than 30 years has been an important showcase for contemporary Italian and international design, so, here you go Seven Space Librarythree storeys of the gallery enveloping, embracing, and welcoming each reader she is curious to leave him breathless.

For lovers of reading, the book is not only a door to exploring unknown worlds but also a beautiful object to cuddle, smell and admire. A lot of readers’ obsessions and many characteristics that are searched in the library such as, for example, the beauty of finding them divided by the publishing house and not just the author, or the cool idea of ​​creating sections where you can search for new authors because they are divided by geographical regions.

Seven Space Library I’ve also thought about this, as I created a section where you can search for new authors to read divided into African, Asian, South American and Israeli novels (and I’m sure others will be born soon too!).

The narrative is divided into geographical regions

And what about the rich and attractive section entirely dedicated to the Iperborea Publishing House specializing in Northern European literature, with books distinguished not only for their beautifully colored covers but also for their unusual format.

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Dedicated section for Hyperborea books

Ample space for small independent publishing houses and next to the cash desk, the first four volumes of the new short story publishing house couldn’t be missing, tetra edition.

The library is spread over three floors and large spaces are already prepared for organizing presentations, readings and any courses and by following their Facebook page or subscribing to their mailing list it is possible to stay in touch without missing out on any good things.

Personally, I couldn’t do this without buying a book. The selection was huge. I enjoyed taking pictures Young Holden On the large stone fireplace but after reading it already, I chose it extraordinary blacksmith Written by Yoande Omotosu, a writer who was born in Barbados and who moved as a child to Nigeria and finally to South Africa, Published by 66tha2nd Romanian Publishing House.

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