By Erica Simon – “I have a headache, and my stomach hurts.” It is among the first sentences we utter since childhood to express that we are not feeling well, that something is wrong.
Abdominal pain is a symptom of a child’s unwillingness to go to school, and it is the most common type of headache among adults. Symptoms of malaise are not always well defined.
Man is one, alone, for this reason, when one part is unwell, the whole body ache!
With this approach, Spazio Salute Medical Care was born in Rieti, an eating disorder center of excellence, DCA according to the 1994 American Psychiatric Association definition.
In a multidisciplinary approach required by the Responsible for Reatine Origins Center, in collaboration with ALMAR ONLUS and A.Na.PP, it presents itself as a point of reference for the patient looking for an integrated course of treatment for eating disorders.
Integral, precisely, because a person is welcome in his whole.
A feature of the course is to provide a multi-level approach that takes into account several aspects:
internal evaluation
psychological evaluation,
Test evaluation e
Nutritional assessment
Expert caregiver and patients.
It is easy to understand how the symptoms (bulimia, anorexia, etc.) are not taken care of and treated as a factor in themselves, but, on the contrary, are read as part of a much broader diagnostic picture.
We repeat that the human being is one, and the holistic approach to the patient is what the specialists at Spazio Salute have chosen to offer the city of Rieti.
Thus, the therapeutic path can only be conceived from a multidisciplinary and multifactorial perspective, with the cooperation and integration of various professional figures. Internist, pediatrician, dietitian, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, physical therapist, orthopedist.
Moreover, if it is true, as it is, that the patient should be welcomed and fully supported, it is absolutely necessary to take into account the environmental factors with which he interacts.
It is for these reasons that Spazio Salute always strongly believes in cooperation with the third sector of the social sector, with all those associations that deal with health, management of caregivers and support in general for those in difficulty.
It is no coincidence that the proposed course of diagnostic-therapeutic assistance (PDTA) in the center provides as a first step the welcome of a patient who brings with him a specific social conflict.
So we will have:
Single phase patient and family welcome, bio-psycho-social diagnostic evaluation.
Two definitions of ITP (Individualized Treatment Plan) by the team and subsequent engagement with the patient and family.
Three stages of functional education: dietary pattern and physical activity.
Four follow-ups after one month, six months and one year of treatment.
As the ALMAR president often reminds us of the “patient spirit,” this way of thinking that accompanies eating disorder treatment has a huge advantage: the ability to welcome a chronically or chronically advanced patient even several years after their diagnosis.
Chronic pain, for example, is often underestimated. Persistent physical pain, somewhat severe, can turn into psychological pain. An ingredient so important that it becomes invalidated. Just think of the social quality.
Open Spazio Salute: DCA’s integrated multidisciplinary outpatient clinic means it all. Reflect on the patient, his environment, his history, and his quality of life.
Let’s think about how many times we’ve found ourselves taking “Travels of Hope”. Shuttle between one doctor and another. How many times have we seen a patient have to “translate” the words of “the other doctor”. How frustrating and how long does it take from early diagnosis that facilitates proper diagnosis!
here you are. This is the challenge and ambition of Spazio Salute. A place and time when the patient feels supported and helped. Then the professionals will have to translate what they can do for his personal care. The goal to be achieved is a better quality of life.