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Space Off & Co. In Kabanori, the year 2023 is dedicated to new generations

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sheds – The Kabanuri Municipal Administration is pressing on two projects to develop the personality of young people and provide opportunities for new generations for personal growth and socialization based on their real needs.

A city with a youthful eye, Kabanuri is shaping itself more and more as a municipality that takes care of the needs of new generations. Many projects, events and various initiatives targeting boys and girls in the region, scheduled for the entire year of 2023, are already being implemented thanks to two large projects implemented by the municipality administration that witnessed an important participatory process: the project company. lla.- Youth Center and Workshops and Officina delle Idee Space, both made possible thanks to regional contributions, obtained through participation in tenders, for a total amount of 65 thousand euros. The two projects were illustrated with the participation of representatives of the associations, Agorà, Paideia, Aeliante, Lucca Creative Hub, Trail Valley and Gaming. The Company of God – Youth Center and Laboratories project aims to develop meeting spaces by promoting various activities to promote a renewed social community.
Spazio Off-Officina delle Idee was born through a public call for the selection of design ideas proposed by girls and boys between the ages of 16 and 29 individually and in groups, with the aim of enhancing the design skills and creativity of young people

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