Great relief to the principal of the school, Prof. Matteo Scarlato and the entire school community were awarded first prize in the “ReGeneration” competition – the thirteenth edition of “La Festa della Scienza” 2022 – by the boys of the 3rd A of the middle school of the comprehensive institute “Via Pietro Nenni”. The event “Science Festival”, promoted annually by the Association APERTAmente in Andrano (LE), Institut Pasteur Italia in Rome, and IISS “Don Tonino Bello” in Tricase (LE), in collaboration with the region of Puglia, Sapienza University in Rome represents AIRC, IBSA and many research centers provide an opportunity for discussion and dissemination of scientific issues, exchange of good practices, and promotion of scientific culture.
The third year middle school students of the Comprehensive Institute “Via Pietro Nenni” led by Professor Assunta Manna have done an exciting and demanding work of research, study and paraphrasing of important scientific content. From observing the ability of some animal species to regenerate entire parts of the body compared to other animals that have strong regeneration limits, students understood the regenerative capacity of certain tissues of the human body. Hence the development and experimentation by clinicians and researchers of increasingly innovative techniques aimed at irreparably replacing compromised organs and tissues. Therefore, the concept of renewal has been translated into the lives of individuals and societies in order to improve occupational, urban, residential, social, economic, environmental and cultural conditions. The boys produced a video that was honored for its originality, scientific accuracy, and respect for the era.