ASL AL management today shared the contents of the resolution letter with the staff of the facility
Accreditation Canada is an independent accrediting body that certifies Santo Spirito Hospital’s facilities and birth track gold standard level.
In recent weeks, the first phase of the three-year process of accreditation based on the standards was completed with the arrival of Canada’s accredited quality experts.
This led to the final announcement of the Canadian system.
Accreditation Canada is one of the leading independent non-profit organizations
Accreditation of social and health services worldwide and has certified quality standards of international value since 1958. In collaboration with ASL AL staff, Accreditation Canada began a process in February 2022 that lasted a few months and will continue in the coming years.
After examining around 2,000 criteria addressing 22 priority processes and 18 areas, the evaluators have produced an overall report that highlights a number of strengths, particularly in
As exemplified by services such as CAS (Center for Assistance and Services), in the effectiveness of the Assistance Continuum Activity Center, in the commitment of the teams to put the patient at the center of their activity, the involvement and responsibility of the staff (oncology SC) or birth track. The evaluators also took note of important issues related to the difficulty of finding health workers and the increase in health services related to the aging of the population. Process certification in the coming years. A key element in maintaining and advancing the achieved certification is demonstrating a consistent commitment to implementing a culture of quality in all practices and services of the structures involved.
Luigi Vercellino, General Manager of ASL AL, thanked the staff for their commitment to the certification process: “Quality certification process
Cassel Hospital will continue and give us the opportunity to support a pathway for years to come
Continuous process improvement. This is a great result that confirms our team’s commitment
Professionals carrying out their work with competence and care: for ASL AL this certification is primarily a tool to identify and intervene in critical issues, with the aim of continuously improving services aimed at our patients.
The meeting was also attended by Emanuel CAPRA, Deputy Mayor of Casale Monferrato.
He expressed satisfaction with the result achieved and urged the Presidium and the district to continue on this path to improve and improve the services provided.
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