Home sport Quagliarella stopped playing football after a phone call at 10pm: and from there it stopped

Quagliarella stopped playing football after a phone call at 10pm: and from there it stopped

Quagliarella stopped playing football after a phone call at 10pm: and from there it stopped

Fabio Quagliarella details his farewell to playing football. A phone call from his new club Sampdoria convinced him to make the final decision.

Fabio Quagliarella He said goodbye to football at the end of last season when fate would have it, that was Maradona Naples To give him a tribute befitting his name in the match between Napoli, already the Italian champion, and his team Sampdoria Already relegated to the second division. He, from Campania from Castellammare di Stabia who left a piece of his heart in Naples and perhaps some regret for the various events that did not allow him to continue his career in the Azzurri, revealed to the Gazzetta dello Sport some details of his Goodbye to playing football.

“God wanted it to end like this -He said without regret- When the calendars came out, I watched the last match with Maradona. “Oh my God,” I thought. “I thought it was a sign of fate.” Fabio Quagliarella, twenty-four years professional, 717 matches played and 238 goals scored, in addition to countless other records, ended his career on June 4th. UN missable day: “In my house I framed the last jersey, last boots, last captain’s armband, pennant and shin guards used that day.” From there a little bit of everything happened with Sampdoria changing club and Quagliarella wanting to continue with Sampdoria. However, a phone call cut him off permanently.

Tribute to Quagliarella in the last match of his career in Naples between the Azzurri and Sampdoria.

Tribute to Quagliarella in the last match of his career in Naples between the Azzurri and Sampdoria.

Today he began a new journey as a commentator on Sky and next year he will enroll in the training course to obtain a coaching license from UEFA, but in the meantime he says Complete truth What is his decision to leave football. Not because of the less-than-ideal physical conditions he talked about a few weeks ago in Sky Studios, but because of a specific will of the new club Sampdoria: He added: “I did not stop for physical reasons, and no interesting offer arrived, so I said stop.” – He explained – “I thought I could help Sampdoria return to Serie A by signing without a contract. I wasn’t interested in money, but I had a moral obligation to the club that always believed in me and I had a great time there.”

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Two or three requests from Serie A teams that Quagliarella did not take into consideration in order to accept Sampdoria: “A week after the new owner took office, I had a hunch something was up -Determine during the interview- Then in a phone call at 10 p.m., five days before the demonstration, they told me they would focus on young people.” Crucial appeal for the final decision of the striker from Campania: “There are no hard feelings towards the company, but these are the reality of the facts – He finished – I closed that dayAnd from there in recent days, in a television speech on Sky, a joke was born that I was no longer in a position to continue.”


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