Psychology House in Udine.
“space Meeting and thinking of psychologists and psychologistsas well as a place of representation, dissemination and promotion of psychology and the profession.” With this definition, the chiefRegional Guild of Psychologists Fvg, Roberto CalvaniAnnouncing the next Opening of the “Psychology House”which will start operating in Udine from next week.
“For several months, as a regional order, and at the request of several colleagues as well, we have been in Searching for a physical space, in a position centralized in relation to regional geographywhich, with time and dedication, can become a meeting point between registered psychologists and at the same time a Also a reference point for citizens – The appointed president -. It is a rented room located in the Friulian capital.” It is clear that the institutional headquarters in Trieste remains fully functional, as well as being an indispensable and indispensable reference point for all members.
The project.
You have highlighted the events of recent years More and more needs and psychological needs of the population, especially the most fragile. The intrinsic capabilities of the individual must be assessed to allow him to resist e It adapts to even the most extreme situations.
With this project, the Syndicate of Psychologists of Friuli Venezia Giulia would like to convey Correct information for citizensand informing them of ethics, deontology, and the potential of psychology to protect health
Find out and know how to do it.
Psychology House also wants to be a The point of contact between knowledge and know-how: Meetings open to the public will be held, also electronically, in order to allow as much participation as possible; It will be a documentation place for young colleagues, with a Dedicated library of operational tools; It will be a place where the organization can meet its members, promote welfare and share knowledge towards them.
Opening of the Psychology House in Udine.
It will be the “house of psychology” Opens on Friday 9th September, at 6 p.m., at its headquarters at Via Braccioso 23 in Udine. Roberto Calvani, President of the Syndicate of Psychologists of Friuli Venezia Giulia, will be honoring, and the Mayor of Udine, Pietro Fontanini, and Culture Counsellor, Fabrizio Segolot will speak. The blessing will be bestowed by His Excellency the Archbishop of Udine, Monsignor Andrea Bruno Matzucato.
Given the limited number of places, the installation will take place in a restricted and invite form, but will be streamed live on Facebook, on the Order page, in order to allow as much participation as possible, albeit online.
first event.
As an operational start, it will be organized the next day, Saturday 10 September, from 9 to 12, Presentation of the book “History of Italian Psychology”., by Catillo Parmentola, psychologist and psychotherapist ASL of Salerno, author of The Code of Ethics for Psychologists (1998). This event will also be broadcast via Facebook, to ensure the largest possible participation.