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Poste Italiane and ISEE Certificate: Online Application Procedure

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Poste Italiane allows you to request a valid certificate for an ISEE declaration. Let’s find out what the planned telecommunications method is and who the recipients are.

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L ‘Equivalent Economic Situation Index It will be necessary in 2022 to obtain bonuses, privileges and The only public check. In fact, the government offers special treatments based on the ISEE and what band they belong to. We remind you that the indicator allows you to know Family status and income Each nucleus has a family and thus assesses which families need more economic assistance. An ISEE application can be submitted through CAF, sponsorship, accountants or independently through INPS . Portal. Not everyone knows, then, that Poste Italiane allows you to apply for one certificate that is contained within All basic data To obtain an ISEE.

Poste Italiane certificates, what data do they include

The Poste Italiane Certification Authority is, of course, interested in the company’s customers and especially me BancoPosta account holders. Current account holders will be able to request the certificate it contains Balance and average inventory Active (or expired) accounts in the 2020 – ISEE 2022 reference year.

To apply for a valid certificate of ISEE, it must necessarily be holder or catcher An account or joint owner. In addition, it will be possible to obtain certificates with an average balance and inventory Paper postal brochures or immaterial and at the face value of Postal savings bonds Or with a PostePay prepaid card balance. Then the certificates include the balance and average stock On demand with IBAN number – Like Evolution – and Social Security cards. Finally, the situation was as on December 31 for mutual funds, in insurance policies property deposits.

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How to order remotely?

The online application for valid Poste Italiane certificates can be forwarded for ISEE purposes By accessing the BancoPosta app, the web portal Or the PostePay app. The holder must be equipped with an authenticator such as, for example, a mail ID code. Accessing the apps and the website, of course, requires registration and access with Username Mail Password. By entering the dedicated section, you can specify the type of certificate required, the year of reference and the email address for receiving documents. However, the certificate will be immediately It can be downloaded online.

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