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Party on a private plane without masks, Canadian influence group blocked in Mexico: no company wants to bring them home – video

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After partying on a Canadian charter flight from Montreal to Cancun, Mexico, no airline was willing to accommodate them on the return flight. The Canadian influential large group, which celebrated the last night of the year at high altitude, in defiance of anti-Govt rules, seems to want to extend their holiday in Mexico a little further. The party was documented on social media, showing the group dancing, drinking and smoking or not wearing masks. The video was later released by a journalist Francis Bylan Of Montreal Journal, Went viral, even reaching out to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who called the group the “Astrokoths Group on Vacation.” One of the “caught” girls who smoked on the ship is also studying to be a future airline pilot at LaChood Aviation. Party organizer, James William Avt, Sunwing, the airline that took them to Cancun, confirmed the cancellation of the return flight. But other airlines have backed down: Air Transat tweeted that it was refusing to return to these “critical passengers” to ensure the safety of the flight crew and other passengers; Air Canada issued a similar statement saying it would ban the boarding of “anyone identified as part of the group” of influencers.

One of the girls who attended the party was Rebecca St. Pierre, a Canadian Press, Should have had a positive test in Kovit along with at least 30 others once they landed in Cancun. Influencer who organized the event, Avad, apologized for what happened and said he had arranged for a “simple party” but “will take some time to figure out how to better manage things next time”. Now, the boys face fines of up to 5,000 euros for each violation, and in some cases even imprisonment, the transport company Transport Canada said in a statement, contacting the airlines. “An investigation will be launched to understand what happened – Trudeau told a news conference – I’m very frustrated. It was a slap in the face to see him in danger. ” Meanwhile, Sunwing Airlines has opened up the possibility of taking the boys back to Canada, allowing them to sit down and work if they are relaxed throughout the flight.

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Video, Global News

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