Lucy Litbythe nurse with the face of an angel He killed seven premature babies and attempted to kill six others In his custody, he will spend the rest of his life in prison. Judge Joss ruled for you The harshest penalty applicable under English law, “life imprisonment”a provision that prevents the reconsideration or shortening of a life sentence. Only three other women have suffered this punishment in England: one of them died in prison, and the other two are serving it. At the end of a long and harrowing trial, with some jurors traumatized by the atrocities they were describing, Judge Goss delivered his verdict yesterday on an empty chair. Lucy asked not to attend the session The law does not provide that a defendant can be compelled to appear in court. Last Friday, when the jury found her guilty of her first murder, She cried and asked to leave Not hearing the rest. Goss, who is 70 years old and has long experience in heinous crime trials, wore the wig that judges and lawyers should wear when in the courtroom, and the judge’s red mantle. He turned his gaze towards the seat on which Lucy should have been sitting, and acted as if she were there: «Lucy Letby – he began – for about 13 months from June 2015 to June 2016, when I was employed as a neonatal nurse at the Countess of Chester’s Hospital in Chester, I murdered seven children and tried to kill six others. You are now convicted of your crimes. You have acted completely contrary to normal human instincts in caring for children and in flagrant violation of the confidence which all citizens have placed in you.».
Lucy Litby, Crimes
Without changing his tone of voice, as if bureaucratically explaining to the murderer the inevitable consequences of her behavior, Goose summed up the crimes committed one by one. “You knew that your actions were causing physical suffering and would cause untold mental suffering. There was deep malice bordering on sadism in your actions». ‘There is no doubt,’ he added, ‘that you are clever and look like a nurse Very conscientious, hardworking and knowledgeableWhich allowed you to harm children.” “It was,” he said again, ” A cruel, cynical, and calculated campaign of killing against victims who are only a day or a few days old, all of whom are extremely vulnerable. During the trial you coldly denied your actions. You have no regrets. There are no mitigating factors. A fair punishment requires life imprisonment.” Then he concluded: “For every murder, seven people are sentenced to life imprisonment. Provisions for early release do not apply. I still stare at the empty chair: «You will spend the rest of your life in prison».
The murderous nurse, Lucy Letby was “defended” by the doctors and principals. Nine children could have been saved.
Lucy’s absence from the courtroom was heavily criticized and some deputies described the nurse as a coward who did not have the courage to watch her sentencing. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also called it “cowardice” that “people who commit such horrific crimes do not stand up to their victims.”. Now a law will be passed preventing that from happening again, and giving judges the power to compel defendants to appear in court. nurse, who Today he is 33 years oldPerhaps he did not want to attend the testimony of the families of his victims, who intervened before the judge. It was a horrific display of pain that would never find solace. Some of the babies Lucy killed, they were all premature, weighing just over 500 grams and about the size of a palm. He injected air into their veins, milk into their stomachs, insulin into their blood, and tubes stuck into their throats. Then he enthusiastically participated in the attempts to resuscitate them, reassuring the parents, and reassembling the little corpses. The six survivors suffer from disabling diseasesHe will need lifelong care.
Nurse kills 7 newborns, Lucy Letby gets life imprisonment. Hospital under accusation: London opens investigation
Opposition Leader Keir Starmer has now suggested launching a “legal inquiry”. A public investigation shows how this tragedy could have happened. Lucy is killed, but there are many people in the hospital who let her do it, ignoring the complaints and suspicions made by doctors and pediatricians. Then the police investigate 30 other cases involving children, All of the survivors who got into trouble when Lucy dealt with them. The nurse will be locked up at Lou Newton Prison in Durham, where the cells are shades of pink and pastel colours, one hour of fresh air a day and another half hour for a shower. The center is at the forefront of psychotherapy for the inmates, who lovingly care for rabbits and birds.
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