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Movies Simultaneously With Cinema and Broadcasting Don’t Work, Specialties Retreat –

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John Fethian, president of the American National Association of Theater Owners, said: Film specialty They’re holding back Contemporary Film Release to me Cinema and broadcast. the reason? They just don’t work, due to digital piracy. Of course, his view is biased, given his role, but it is easy enough to verify his words by evaluating the release of the latest blockbuster films, almost all of which were released in cinemas with long exclusive windows.

The distribution model Contemporary seems to have gained traction with restrictions due to the pandemic, forcing movie theaters to close for safety reasons, preferring video streaming services. In particular, Disney decided to release some of its films simultaneously in cinemas and on Disney+, allowing them to be rented for a fee, and adopted Warner Bros. on HBO + in her films. The problem is that the new model did not work as mentioned due to overuse the pirategreatly facilitated access to movies on the Internet.

Vithian: “Obviously, piracy peaks when movies become available for home viewing. It doesn’t matter if the video is a premium or an on-demand subscription.

So creating exclusive windows for cinemas is not only a way to profit from tickets, but also to defend against the fake market. In any case, the waiting period for movies to arrive on video streaming services has decreased significantly compared to the past: now forty-five days are enough for movies to arrive on various online services, where before that it took an average of at least seventy.

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