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If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Lukes – Regiana 1-0, AC Milan at Porta Elisa – Sports – Football

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Luca, March 11, 2022 – No Luczy beats measure no Regiana He arrived at Porta Elisa with the goal of winning the three points to temporarily return to the top of the standings. Instead, the Rossoneri, who played an excellent first and struggled in the second, were able to achieve success that gives them redemption, but also allows them to come back strong to fight for the playoffs.

The 31st day of the championship progresses and hosts Lucchese Reggiana in Porta Elisa, for a race attracting nearly two thousand spectators, with the seasonal record set. The Rossoneri starts well right away and in 1′ Ruggiero attempts, this was confirmed after Viterbo’s good performance, but he didn’t frame the goal. The match is played mainly in the middle of the field with Pagliuca’s men playing under pressure. At 22′ Collodel also appears, author of Last Sunday’s Target win, but this time his end is ending aside.

A match in perfect balance with the Emilians who hit the post with Sciaudone in the closing minutes. Regiana had a better start in the second half. The grenades try to offer as much fitness and at the 24th minute with Cigarini, they commit Coletta into a corner swerve. A minute later, Sciaudone hits the post again. Lukes took the lead in his greatest suffering moment in the 36th minute. Frigrio sends for Papini, who beats Venturi diagonally and gives the Rossoneri the lead.

The final is all Emilian brand as the grenades try to find at least an equaliser, but Rossoneri manages to defend himself without issues and after five minutes of recovering, the party goes off right. Before the final whistle in his full recovery, Minala was sent off for a double yellow card and Luciani for protesting. Lucchese sporting director Daneiele Deoma has also been fired over the protests. On Tuesday, we go to bed with the Rossoneri, who will participate in the external derby against Montevarchi.

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Luke’s Regiana 1 – 0

Luckys (4-3-1-2): coletta; Baldan, Pacini, Pelic, Nannini; Frigerio (42′ st Tumbarello), Minala, Collodel; Visconti (25’s t Papini); Belloni (47′ St Beach), Ruggero (25′ Papee Street). (Available in: Plai, Cuchcietti, Gibraltar, Rodriguez, Quirini, Ubaldi, Zanchetta, Brandi). Pagliuca flocks.

Regiana (3-5-2): Venturi; Luciani, Roszio, Camigliano; Guglielmotti (23′ st Cauz), Radrezza (13′ st Rosafio), Cigarini (75′ Rossi), Sciaudone, Neglia; Scapini (23′ Saint Lannini), Zambaro (13′ Saint Arrigini). (available: Voltolini, Marconi, Lipoti, Cremonese, Porcino, Moroni). Diana’s flocks.

Rule: Maranese de Ciampino.

Network: 36′ Babini Street.

NB: angles 2-3; ejected at 49’st Minala for double yellow cards, Luciani for protests and Lucchese Deoma sporting director for protests Russo, Bilic, Minala, Babini, Zamparo, Siggarini, Skeudoni; recovery 1′ pt and 5′ st; 1,953 spectators.

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