In 1972 his movie debuted deep ThroatThe first porn movie designed for the silver screen. leading actress, Linda lovelaceShe became a star and social phenomenon soon associated with a symbol of sexual freedom. But behind the new icon was a woman who was the victim of her husband Chuck, and a daughter who was disowned by her parents. Then she told her story in a 2013 autobiography titled loveless (Here is the review), Directed by Robert Epstein e Jeffrey Friedman, who in their career on several occasions traced the biographies of famous personalities, for example with the documentary Harvey Milk Times.
After appearing for the first time in the fantasy fantasy world with I’m screaming, where the life of poet Allen Ginsberg is narrated, the two found in Linda Lovelace a subject of interest to them. with the script writer Andy Berlin Rely on the autobiography plightWritten by Lovelace in 1980. Starting here they focused specifically on narrating the actress’s life from 20 to 32 years, including much of the film industry deep Throat Upon the subsequent success, but also the inevitable misfortunes, which this brought the actress. Between the problems with her husband and the controversial celebrity, there is often a misunderstood figure.
Presented at the Sundance Film Festival, the film was met with mixed reviews and did not do well overall. So it ended up going quietly, while having to be rediscovered even if only to deepen the topic and the often-forgotten story. Before proceeding to see the film, it would certainly be worthwhile to delve into some intriguing things about this. Continue reading here, it will be possible to find more details related to Piece, the cast and for The real story behind the movie. Finally, the main items will also be listed broadcast platforms Contain the movie in their catalog.
loveless: plot and crew
As expected, the film focuses on telling a story Linda lovelace, who was chosen very young to act in a pornographic film deep Throat. It’s 1972, and he’s her husband, Chuck Trainor To present it to the director Gerard Damiano. While escaping from a particularly strict and religious family, Linda agreed to star in the movie, quickly becoming a divorced celebrity, but always remained a humble girl. But behind this success, he hides a less idyllic reality, consisting of abuses and limitations, from which a woman will try to free herself in various ways to reveal to the world who she really is and what happened to her.
Actress Linda Lovelace played Amanda, who declared that she was excited to be able to play such a complex and unknown woman. Regarding various nude and sexual scenes, the actress stated that she did not face any problems, and did not feel any discomfort in filming this kind of thing, sexuality is an integral part of everyone’s daily life. Actresses were also originally considered for this role Olivia Wilde e Kate Hudson. Along with Seyfried, as husband Chuck Traynor, is the actor Peter Sarsgaard, While Hank Azaria It is directed by Gerard Damiano. Adam Brody Played by pornographic actor Harry Rhimes, while James Franco and Hugh Hefner, founder of play boy.
loveless: The true story behind the movie
with the release of deep Throat, one of the most successful films of its year, Linda Lovelace became a real star. In 1980, the actress published her autobiography titled plight, on which the 2013 film is based. In this, Lovelace talks about the dark and secretive sides behind her apparent celebrity bliss. In fact, the book tells how her so-called sexual liberation was nothing more than a mask to conceal a life of rape and abuse she had suffered at the hands of Chuck Traynor, the man who, according to her, used it to achieve his financial success. By forcing her to engage in pornography and prostitution.
His claims were backed up by feminist remarks such as Gloria Steinem But he was rejected by a suspicious audience. Critics said that in her films she seemed too happy and too concerned to be a victim. For the rest of her life, Lovelace found herself having to defend herself against similar accusations, publicly denying the porn genre and taking sides with her industry. Unfortunately, the woman died on April 22, 2002 at the age of 53 in a car accident. Three months later, Trainor also died of an illness. same movie loveless He received criticism for his seemingly superficial treatment of some of the abuses the actress was subjected to, which softened the relationship between Lovelace and Trainor.
loveless: Trailer and where to watch the movie in live broadcast and TV
You can take advantage of loveless Thanks to its presence on some of the most popular streaming platforms on the net today. This is actually available in catalogs Rakuten TV, Chili Cinema, Google Play and Apple iTunes. To see it, once you choose the reference platform, simply rent one movie or sign up for a general subscription. This way you will be able to watch it in complete comfort and with the best video quality. The movie is also on the TV schedule Saturday 18 December in a 23:15 on the channel sky.