Corona hammer in Austria: When 30 percent of intensive care beds in hospitals are used, unvaccinated people must go locked up! The decision was made by the federal government around the new president Alexander Shalenberg, 52, and representatives of the country at a joint video conference on Friday evening. 30 percent occupation corresponds to 600 intensive care beds in Austria.
The conference was convened due to the increasing number of corona in Austria. Then Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Maxstein, 47, said: “Those tested are allowed to leave the house only in exceptional cases.” Exceptions are working or buying everyday items. But it remains to be seen with experts now exactly what the locking will look like. Chancellor Shallenberg added: “One thing is clear: those who are vaccinated will not be locked out.” He and the Minister of Health repeated this sentence several times. The message was clear: Get vaccinated and nothing will happen to you. Maxstein clarified: “It’s good to be vaccinated tomorrow!”
Currently Level 1 of 5
At the conference, the expansion of the existing gradual program, along with the prevention of the effects of the epidemic, was discussed. Intensive care beds with an occupancy rate of 25 percent (500 beds) should be introduced for 2G (recovered and vaccinated) for restaurants, hotels, events and hospital and maintenance visits. PCR testing is no longer sufficient.
There are currently 224 intensive care beds in Austria. This means that our neighbor is in Level 1 of their Corona step plan. In Level 2 (from 300 beds), the 2G rule applies to events where there is no permanent seating for dinner and up to 500 people. This level is expected to be reached soon. In stage 3 (400 occupied beds) the antigen test is no longer valid.
Ahead of the conference, Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Mexstein, 47, said the government’s goal was to increase vaccine coverage. (vof)
As the number of corona increases: These countries are tightening their corona rules(01:41)