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You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Lillet, the “Prevention Seminars” begin.

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Galatoni – September 25, 2023

Six meetings with experts. Every Wednesday, from September 27 to November 8, at 6 p.m., in the underground former oil mill room of Palazzo Marchesal, in Galatone

On Wednesday 27 September in Galatoni, in the room of the former underground oil mill of the Marchesel Palace, the “Prevention Seminars” organized by the Italian League Against Cancer (LILT) of Lecce – Department of Scientific Publishing – and LILT Galatoni will be held. We start with the sponsorship of ASL Lecce and the Municipality of Galatone.

“We invite all citizens to participate in this important session of symposiums dedicated to the crucial topic of cancer prevention and which will bring together many experts – emphasize oncologists Carmine Cerullo and Giuseppe Serafizza, respectively President and Scientific Director of Lilt of Lecce – because science is erasing… Illiteracy is the first essential step to combating the cancer emergency. We will first talk about primary prevention, that is, combating the known risk factors, behavioral and environmental, that increase the risk of developing the disease and in which it is necessary to intervene to reduce the alarming increase in infection rates (more than 390 thousand diagnoses new cancer cases in Italy in 2022, according to the latest Aiom-Airtum report), but also secondary prevention for early diagnosis of the most prevalent forms of cancer: lung cancer, breast cancer, genitourinary cancer and gastrointestinal tumors. We will also address the issue of guideline adequacy for the correct use of resources in The field of healthcare, a subject closely related to people’s health and which can suffer serious harm due to the overuse of diagnostic services and drug treatments. Our goal – as oncologists have concluded – is to ensure that scientific knowledge is no longer restricted to scientific, technological and professional fields, but rather an essential set for the individual as a whole to protect public health.


Lilt seminars will always start at 6 p.m. On Wednesday 27 September, the spotlight will be on “The role of prevention in the fight against tumors” with Carmine Cerullo, Oronzo Borgia (Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Director of Dss Nardò) and Antonella Ricchetti (Radiation Oncology, former Director Ort Bellinzona, Switzerland). On October 4, “Breast Cancer Prevention” with Elisabetta De Mattis (oncologist, Director of Breast Screening ASL Lecce), Giuseppe Quarta (oncologist, Head of Oncology at UCL, Gallipoli Hospital) and Maria Luisa Raho (radiologist, D.S. S Nardo). On October 11 “Prevention of Cancer of the Female Genital Organs” with Vincenzo Chiuri (Director, Department of Oncology, UCL, Gallipoli Hospital), Eugenia Spano (Gynecologist, Lillet Lecce) and Giuseppe Colucci (Pathologist, Director of Pap Screening, ASL lychee). On October 18 “Lung Cancer Prevention” with Emiliano Tamburini (Director of Oncology, UCT Tricas), Auronzo Fillieri (pulmonologist, UCT Gallipoli) and Silvia Errico (psychologist Lillet Lecce). On October 25 “Prevention of Tumors of the Male Genitourinary System” with Alessandro Tafori (UOC Urology, Hospital “Vito Fazzi” Lecce), Caterina Acettura (UOC Oncology, Hospital “Vito Fazzi” Lecce) and Roberto Boss (UOC Urology, Hospital Casarano). Finally, on November 8, “Prevention of gastrointestinal tumors” with Silvana Liu (Director of Oncology at UOC, Lecce), Antonella Elia (Director of Oncology at UOC, Hospital Casarano) and Aldo Baiano (Director of Gastroenterology at UOC, Hospital Scorrano) .

Free admission. For information, contact the Lilt Mission of Galatone on 3701512861 or the Lilt Lecce Provincial Secretariat on 0833 512777.

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