A severe storm arose Heavy hail In the province of Alberta Canada The western country has set a new record for the country. A large hail near Innisfail broke the Canadian record, according to Western University’s Northern Hail Program. 292.71 grams and measuring 123 mm in diameter. On Monday, August 1, hail reached the size of a grapefruit in the area. The previous Canadian record was set on July 31, 1973 in Chedeaux, Saskatchewan, weighing 290 grams and 114 millimeters in diameter, according to the Alberta-based research team.
Julian Brimelo, executive director of the Northern Hail Project, said his severe weather colleagues around the world maintain a record hail database. Including this one, only 22 hailstones weighed more than 290 grams. The current record for North America’s largest hail was set on July 23, 2010 near Vivian, South Dakota: it weighed 879 grams and had a maximum diameter of 203 millimeters.
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The storm, which lasted between 10 and 15 minutes, was a nightmare until they traveled by car during that time: dozens of vehicles were badly damaged, with broken windows and intricate bodywork. 3 Road accidents caused minor injuries due to bad weather.
“I’ve never been to war and I don’t know what war sounds like, but inside the car it sounded like bombs hitting the roof of my car.Matt Perry, a motorist caught in the storm, told CTV News Edmonton.
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