Home World “La casa di carta”, a successful thriller despite the exaggeration – Corriere.it

“La casa di carta”, a successful thriller despite the exaggeration – Corriere.it

“La casa di carta”, a successful thriller despite the exaggeration – Corriere.it
from Aldo Grasso

Spanish fiction plays on constant reversals of norms: criminals are lauded and Dal masks become a symbol of left-wing populism worldwide.

One of the heroes of The House of Paper says if you are born on the wrong side, you die on the wrong side. As in any great suspense movie, there is not only a perfect plan, but also a destiny to spoil the cards. Don’t spoil, don’t worry. Even if the now streaming vision messed up all the bases of reviews (it just generated that linguistic atrocity called press bans that press offices like so much). I will only say, regarding La casa di carta, that there is a successful ending capable of resolving some of the inconsistencies in the long story and redeeming, ironically, a lot that falls into the trash. The ending has already been seen in some movies, and also, in between the series, Spike Lee’s Inside Man often appears (there’s even a gang of thieves who take employees and customers hostage). but no problem.

There are not a few chains that broke down not knowing how close
the story. What is important is how to get out of Madrid, the Bank of Spain and the series, without resorting to ideological solutions (pumping liquidity into the real country and not into the banks, as the European Central Bank does) or without self-sacrifice by singing Bella Ciao. In the end, love triumphs as desired. Sierra (Najwa Nimri) finds Professor (Faro Morte), so former arch-enemies turn into the new Bonnie and Clyde. As one might guess from the early seasons, La casa di carta plays on the constant reversals of mores: criminals are lauded and Dal masks become a symbol of left-wing populism around the world. But the series is more than just a social outcry, it’s just a successful example of guilt pleasure Social, that mechanism that keeps us attached to the story even when we realize its exaggerations. Without feeling ashamed of it and feeling, after all, a part of history.

Dec 9, 2021 (change on Dec 9, 2021 | 21:25)


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