Home Top News Italians Abroad, Intercomites Canada in Vancouver

Italians Abroad, Intercomites Canada in Vancouver

Italians Abroad, Intercomites Canada in Vancouver
Italy Canada
Italy Canada

Canada’s COMMITS Leaders’ Meeting: Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver (Intercommits Meeting) took place in Vancouver, British Columbia from Thursday, March 29 to Saturday, April 1, 2023. On March 31, a formal meeting was held. Headquarters of Il Centro: Italian Cultural Center of Vancouver, Rocco di Trolio, Councilor of the General Council of Italians Abroad (CGIE), Christian Di Sanzo, Deputy of the Republic, Vito Bruno, President of Comites Vancouver, Michela Di Marco President of Comites Toronto, President of Comites Montreal Margherita M Morsella, Mike Uccione, President of the Italian Cultural Center in Vancouver.

8 core points on the agenda: diplomatic network and services; Country Program at Embassy; financing commitments; Publication-contributions to foreign journals; Italian language and culture; relationships with the associative world; Situation of CGIE.

“This important meeting – reads a statement sent from the Comites Montreal to the editorial staff of ItaliaChiamaItalia – to learn and compare the experiences of each of the Comites in Canada, to establish links between the three Comites and the CGIE. The Intercommittee meeting in Vancouver was an excellent opportunity to examine what is working well and discuss what needs to be improved for the benefit of our fellow citizens. Moreover, the meeting formed the beginning of future cooperation on special projects, as a concrete symbol for the communities they represent.


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