Home Economy Italian Stock Exchange, commenting on today’s session (March 7, 2022)

Italian Stock Exchange, commenting on today’s session (March 7, 2022)

Italian Stock Exchange, commenting on today’s session (March 7, 2022)

Strong stock volatility in the banking sector: BancoBPM, BPER Banca and UniCredit all fell. Tenaris shines. Telecom Italia TIM on a roller coaster

red marketThe main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets started the week with a session marked by strong volatility. Especially, The FTSEMib index is down more than 1%, after losing more than 6% at the start of the day. Pierre Verrett – Technical Analyst at ActivTrades – pointed out that risk aversion, which began long before the war in Ukraine with the rising cost of living and the prospect of monetary tightening, is fueled by the sudden rise in foreign exchange rates. Energy and economic growth expectations are much slower this year. “With no significant economic news on the horizon, it is likely That operators now face more market TechnicalThe expert speculated, unless an important turning point in diplomatic talks is reached during the current ceasefire in Ukraine, which will shake the mood of the market.”

The FTSEMib It left 1.36% grounded at 22,160 points after fluctuating between a minimum of 21,060 points and a maximum of 22,761 points. The FTSE Italia all participated It suffered a drop of 1.42%. Also minus sign for FTSE Italia medium hat (-2%) for The star of FTSE Italia (-1.66%). In the March 7, 2022 session, the turnover increased to 5.17 billion euros, compared to 4.68 billion on Friday.

It’s 17.30 days Bitcoin He’s returned over $39,000 (just over 36,000 euros).

The BTP-Bund spread Shrinked to 160 points.

L ‘euro It dropped to $1085.

Heavy volatility in the securities of the banking sector. According to Andrea Caracini – CEO of CFO Sim – there are no grounds for concern about the Italian banking sector, after the European Central Bank and the Bank of Italy conduct a survey of supervised banks, analyzing exposures to Russia. “So far, no difficult situations have arisen,” the director explained.

discounts BancoBPM (-4.61%), Paper Bank (-5.17%), Mediobanca (-2.77%) H UniCredit (-5.59%). Intesa San Paulo Failed to reduce damage (-2.8%).

Focus on stocks in the oil sector, after the price of crude oil in New York (the contract expires in April 2022) returned to $120 a barrel, from an intraday high of $126. According to the main news agencies, the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, is studying the hypothesis of a ban on importing oil from Russia, a process that will also include European countries.

where are you It recovered 4.29% to 13.406 euros.

Definitely a positive performance too Tenaris (+13% to €13,055).

Telecom Italia TIM on a roller coaster, after the significant decline suffered by the previous week. The group’s share recorded a decrease of 5.45% to 0.236 euros, after fluctuating between a minimum of 0.2204 euros and a maximum of 0.2815 euros.

IVECO Group And suffered a drop of 3.24% to 6.13 euros. The company announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Hyundai Motor Company to explore possible collaborations regarding joint vehicle technology, joint procurement and reciprocal supplies.

also Stilants Not saved from sales (-6.4%).


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