Home Economy It is the European Union that sends the price of Sky High-Vision TV

It is the European Union that sends the price of Sky High-Vision TV

It is the European Union that sends the price of Sky High-Vision TV

Russian gas, which accounts for about 40% of Italian imports It costs very little. It arrives in Italy at a price of about 18 cents per cubic meter: one of the lowest figures in the entire European Union. But the EU would like to deprive us of Russian gas, given Italy Approved to pay it in rubles and this, at least according to a spokesperson for the European Commission, can lead to in the act of infringement.

About the cost of imported gas in Italy EU rules according to which the price of gas is formed through exchanges are entered into the stock exchange. Practically speaking, the price of gas that applies to all is the highest anyone can pay: Europe asks us for it! The result is that the bills are astronomical.

the last one gas market report Posted by the European Union Shows gas import prices in Italy. Refers to the October-December 2021 quarter and indicates the average number for that period. It includes The map shown below. Prices refer to megawatt-hours. One megawatt hour is equivalent to approximately 100 cubic meters of gas. There are nice details related to Italy.

Gas import price in Italy and the European Union

Thus, the average Dutch gas import price on the Italian border in October and December was €17.70 per MWh. But Dutch gas Represent Only 2.9% of Italian imports. In ascending order, they come next Russian gas (38.2% of Italian imports) with 18.96 € for MWh; Algerian gas (27.8%) 19.95 euros. and gas from Azerbaijan (9.5%) for 60.30 euros. Moreover, LNG or LNG (13.1%) arriving by ship recorded an average import price of 41.54 euros per megawatt-hour, ie always for about 100 cubic metres. With the exception of Azerbaijani gas, Import gas prices in Italy are the lowest Among those shown on the EU map are gas that reaches different countries via gas pipelines (the initials EBP) or by ship.

The transportation factor, or the reason we pay so much more for gas, This abbreviation “HUB” is located. Shown on the map, which corresponds to the highest figure in each country: for Italy, 95.84 euros per megawatt-hour of gas. Represents the price of gas traded on the stock exchangeThe cornerstone of the European Union system.

How much did a cubic meter of gas cost Italian families at that time? Direct comparison is impossible: the price per cubic meter (plus there are state taxes) and the frequency of invoice arrival depends on the contracts. Mostly you have to pay it every two months: in this case, in the October-December 2021 quarter, two bills overlap, often with the same different gas prices.

but The gas price set by ARERA can be taken as a completely empirical reference point (Energy, Networks and Environment Regulatory Authority), which every three months updates the so-called “enhanced protection” economic conditions. Well, based on the months before January 1, 2022, ARERA is fitter in 91.36 cents per cubic meter The crude price of gas supplies. Plus taxes and additional costs.

that by saying, The price of “top protection” gas for Italians, after deduction of various taxes, was four to five times higher The cost on the border of Russian and Algerian gas (the bulk of imports) is respectively 18 cents and 19-20 cents per cubic meter.

High prices “Europe asks us”.. That is, it stems from the fact that the cornerstone of the European Union is the price of gas traded on the exchange, not its actual cost. It is expected that “Europe is asking us” to do without Russian gas, which is very cheap. With it, the price of gas traded on the exchange can grow even more.

Julia Borghazi

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