John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Israel – Hamas at war, today’s news | Israel orders the evacuation of 1.1 million Palestinians from the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours

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• What happened yesterday in the conflict between Israel and Gaza: Hamas said no to humanitarian corridors and bombed Damascus
• Hamas: “We have been preparing for the attack for two years.”
• Egypt: “The Rafah crossing is not closed and unusable due to Israeli raids.”
• Netanyahu reunites the war government: “Determining the objectives of the ground incursion.”

05.32 am – Israel: Evacuation of the northern area of ​​the Gaza Strip. The United Nations calls for the order to be cancelled

Israel ordered the evacuation within 24 hours of the northern part of the Gaza Strip, where 1.1 million Palestinians live. The decision sparked an immediate reaction from the United Nations, which asked Israel to cancel the order: This was announced by the spokesman for the Glass Palace. “The United Nations strongly calls for the withdrawal of this order, if confirmed, to avoid turning what is already a tragedy into a catastrophic situation,” said Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for the Secretary-General.

05.12 am – The United Nations leaves 50,000 pregnant women without treatment in Gaza and the West Bank

The United Nations has launched an emergency appeal for $294 million to meet the “urgent needs” of the most vulnerable populations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where more than 400,000 Palestinians have fled their homes in recent days and nearly 50,000 pregnant women. They can no longer get care.

05.02 AM – Heavy bombing on Gaza at night

The Gaza Strip is also subjected to violent Israeli bombardment at night, especially near the border. This is evidenced by videos posted by residents on social media and a memo from the Israeli Air Force. “Even at night, at any time, hundreds of IAF aircraft continue to attack forcefully and inflict severe damage on the enemy’s capabilities”: this is the comment on a video posted by the Israeli Air Force on social media. Israel says it dropped 6,000 bombs weighing 4,000 tons on Hamas targets in Gaza within six days, hitting more than 3,600 targets.

02.59 am – An attack by Israeli special forces, saving 250 hostages

“The Elite Fleet Unit 13 was deployed to the area surrounding the Gaza security barrier in a joint effort to regain control of the Sufa military site on October 7. The soldiers rescued nearly 250 hostages alive. More than 60 Hamas terrorists were neutralized and 26 others were arrested, including Muhammad Abu Ali, deputy commander of Hamas’s southern naval division. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) wrote this in a post dated

01.53 am – The dead in Gaza are 1,537, including 500 children and 276 women.

01.50 am – United Nations There are more than 423 thousand displaced people in Gaza

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), more than 423,000 people were forced to flee their homes in the Gaza Strip under siege and bombing by the Israeli army. The number of displaced people in this densely populated area, numbering 2.3 million people, rose from 84,444 people to 423,378, according to a statement by the United Nations office.

01.35 am – The US Senate calls for sanctions to be imposed on those who finance Hamas

The US Senate is scheduled to vote on Monday on a proposal calling on the international community to impose sanctions to limit the flow of money and weapons to the Hamas militia, following the deadly October 7 attack in Israel. 30 Democrats and 27 Republicans signed the text, which declares full solidarity with Israel and obligates the United States to provide military assistance.

01.33 am – Egypt calls on the Palestinians to remain in Gaza

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said, according to The Guardian, that the residents of Gaza must “steadfast and remain in their land,” while calls are increasing from Gaza to Cairo to allow safe passage for fleeing civilians. The only available route to escape is through the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza.

01.27 am – London sends reconnaissance planes, two warships and 3 helicopters

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spoke with Benjamin Netanyahu to reaffirm his country’s support for Israel in the wake of the Hamas attack. This was announced by a Downing Street spokesman, according to what was reported by The Guardian. Sunak confirmed that the United Kingdom had authorized a large support package to be sent to the region, including RAF surveillance aircraft, two Royal Navy ships and three Merlin helicopters.

01.05 am – Human Rights Watch: Israel also used white phosphorus in Gaza

“Human Rights Watch has verified, based on videos and witness accounts, that Israeli forces used white phosphorus in military operations in Lebanon and Gaza on October 10 and 11, 2023, respectively. The videos show multiple white phosphorus aerial explosions fired from artillery at sector.” Gaza City port and two rural sites along the border between Israel and Lebanon. This is what the Humane Society writes. Human Rights Watch continues that white phosphorus, which can be used as a smokescreen or as a weapon, “has the potential to cause harm to civilians due to the severe burns it causes and its persistent long-term effects on survivors.” Its use in densely populated areas of Gaza violates the requirements of international humanitarian law.

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01.01 AM – He mocks the holding of an elderly Israeli woman hostage, and the closure of a pizza restaurant in the West Bank

Israeli occupation soldiers closed a pizzeria in Huwwara in the West Bank, after it published an advertisement on social media mocking an elderly Israeli woman who had been held hostage by Hamas. This was reported by Haaretz newspaper. The army intervened after Channel 12 showed the advertisement and a group of settlers attempted to attack the place. Soldiers and border police intervened and dispersed the settlers, arresting two of them.

00:58 – Hamas militants possess detailed maps of Israeli cities and military bases

Hamas fighters were armed with detailed maps of the cities and military bases they wanted to target when they entered Israel to attack. Documents written in Arabic were recovered from the attack sites and are now under examination by the Israeli authorities. The Wall Street Journal reported this, confirming that the documents indicate that from the beginning not only military installations were targeted, but also civilians. The documents also provide the possibility of assessing the intelligence possessed by Hamas and the degree of planning for the attack.

00:55- Hamas accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza

Hamas accuses Israel of committing “genocide” in Gaza. Ghazi Hamad, a senior Hamas official, said in a video statement to Al Jazeera, speaking in English, that “Western countries that provide military aid to Israel are participating in the killing of Palestinians instead of searching for a solution to the conflict and occupation.” According to Hamad, “There is no safe area in Gaza where people can seek refuge or shelter. Every area and every building is under possible attack. Everyone is targeted and vulnerable to Israeli killings, including women, children, the elderly and even the disabled.” Hamad then denounced the “illegal and immoral” Israeli blockade of Gaza that prevents fuel and humanitarian supplies from entering the Strip. “Israeli leaders – Hamad says – issue clear instructions to their army to implement “Genocide against more than two million citizens in the Gaza Strip. We are facing crimes unprecedented in modern history.”

00.51 am – Blinken arrives in Amman and meets Abbas and the King of Jordan

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived in the Jordanian capital, Amman. This was reported by CNN, which states that Blinken will meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordanian King Abdullah II during the day. After Jordan, Blinken will travel to Qatar, one of the main players in the talks with Hamas to try to release the terror group’s hostages, CNN reported.

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00.48 am – Israeli soldiers threw stones, killing a 17-year-old man in the West Bank.

A 17-year-old Palestinian youth was shot dead in the West Bank city of Qalqilya. Haaretz wrote this, explaining that a spokesman for the IDF, the Israeli armed forces, stated that the young man was killed by Israeli soldiers because he threw stones. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah, the martyr is Mahdi Majed Salim from the village of Jayyus.

00.46 am – United States: The FBI is on alert after Hamas threats

The FBI is on alert after Hamas’ mobilization call today. «We are aware of the call to action that could lead to demonstrations in the United States – says the FBI -. “We work with our law enforcement partners to share intelligence and identify and destroy any threats that may arise.”

00.43 AM – World Health Organization: 11 health workers have been killed in Gaza since Saturday

The World Health Organization says it has documented 34 attacks on health care supplies in Gaza since the start of the Israeli retaliatory raids last Saturday. Eleven health workers were killed on duty and 16 others were injured. The BBC reported it. The World Health Organization also says that emergency medical teams’ access to the field has been hampered by damage to infrastructure. The organization concluded that 19 health facilities and 20 ambulances were damaged.

00.40 am – White House: 27 American citizens killed and 14 missing

“The number of Americans killed has risen to 27 and the number missing today is 14. We are clearly doing everything we can to support and inform the families.” So said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby during a press conference at the White House. Kirby said that contacts with Israeli officials are continuing to obtain as much information as possible, and starting tomorrow, the US government will arrange charter flights to provide transportation from Israel to European destinations.

00:37- Macron: Hamas is a terrorist organization that seeks to completely destroy Israel

“Hamas is terrorism. He seeks to destroy Israel.” French President Emmanuel Macron says this in “X”. “I speak on behalf of all of us, when I say that we share Israel’s pain,” Macron says. “We are bound to Israel by the pain of mourning. And at this moment, 13 of our citizens were killed during “The attacks. 17 citizens, including children and adults, are still missing, and some are certainly being held hostage. We will do everything in our power to secure their release.”

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