Home science Is BTP Italia a scam? or not? Professor’s Free Webinar. Baby Science Thursday 14 December « LMF Lamiafinanza

Is BTP Italia a scam? or not? Professor’s Free Webinar. Baby Science Thursday 14 December « LMF Lamiafinanza

Is BTP Italia a scam?  or not?  Professor’s Free Webinar.  Baby Science Thursday 14 December « LMF Lamiafinanza

“Is BTP Italias a scam?” Good question… Professor Pepe Senza responds Thursday 14 December 2023 6.30pm – 8.00pm

Many savers are disappointed with Btp Italia, Btp-i, Bund-ei, etc., i.e. government bonds linked to inflation. A webinar from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Turin, under the scientific supervision of Professor Beppe Senza, will try to answer various doubts and questions:

  • Why were coupons low as inflation rose?
  • Istat cheat? What is real inflation?
  • Is BTP Italia or BTP-I better? Or are ETFs better?
  • Do conditional cash transfers also protect against inflation?
  • Is there more risk with fixed rate or indexed BTPs?
  • Are CACs really dangerous?


  • Do BTP Italia, BTP-I, etc. still make sense?

The seminar is free, but you must register To obtain the link to follow the webinar via email: https://www.ilrisparmiotradito.it/evento/btp-italia/lmf

Baby Science

Baby Science He is a mathematician and teaches at the University of Turin. Since 1976 he has been involved in savings and since 1984 in supplementary pensions. In his book “Betrayal of savingsHe denounced the damage done to savers by funds and management, as well as what he saw as the complicity of the economic press in important newspapers. With “La Pension Tradita” he was among the few who defended severance pay against pension funds.

Baby Science He says in his book: “As for predictions of interest rates, exchange rates, etc. I make my own jokes Karl Otto PaulThen the Governor of the German Central Bank: “It’s all about the Zins- oder Wechselkurs prognosen ab, zumindest schon gar nicht für die Zukunft” (Translation… I don’t make predictions about interest rates or exchange rates, at least not for the future…)



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