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«In the simulation, after 72 hours, massive American losses» –

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a A similar map to the one for Hazards; environment, US Representatives and Congresswomen With a very careful and concerned look. The photo from the Associated Press testifies to the nervousness of the congressmen involved in it Tabletop war games to evaluate American opportunities to defend Taiwan from a Chinese attack.

The simulation took place on Capitol Hill, by members of the Selection Committee of the House of Representatives of Chinathe recently formed parliamentary committee to confront the “great Chinese threat” politically.

The purpose of Risk is to explore the diplomatic, political and military options of the United States in the event that the situation reaches the brink of war with respect to Taiwan. So congressmen played for Avoid engagement. They let AP reporters come in neatly to show their willingness and expertise. but, In the simulation projected until April 22, 202772 hours after the first Chinese strike in the strait, American forces had to intervene and the cost in terms of deaths among soldiers, airmen and sailors was already very high.

Terrible damage to the besieged island and hit by showers of Chinese missiles.

In the war game of the parliamentary committee, At the crucial moment, the United States of America alone was found to fightwithout the support of allies in Asia and Europe (on the other hand, French President Emmanuel Macron just said that the Europeans should stay out of the “war for Taiwan that is not in our interest”).

The Honorable Mike Gallagher, the Republican who chairs the commission, says two convictions stood out from Risk: “One is that there is a sense of urgency; The second is that with our laws, we can increase the chances of stability in the Taiwan Strait. He explained his deputy, Democrat Raja Krishnamurthy: the only solution to avoid the terrible scenario of war is to “show the Chinese a deterrent that avoids conflict.”

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