John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Illusions, Changes and Revenge –

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From Federico Rambini

She was destined to be the future Democratic star (and nominee). But it retreats at the polls and the debate is reopened about renaming the current president

Save Private Harris. Where was the illustrious Kamala, the warrior who was supposed to be the true leader in the Biden administration, or at least the hope for the future, lost? Expectations for the vice president were enormous at the time of her appointment. Old Joe was considered rickety from the start, and it had to represent everything new, and a powerful charge of energy.

Instead, he was the first to sink into the polls and never stop: he’s worse than Biden himself. She is the most unpopular of the four vice presidents. The media turned the narrative about her, and today they talk about her as inept (she does not study the files), arrogant, sometimes hysterical. Sexism is rife in the comments and she has complained to her co-workers, confident that she would be treated differently if she was a white man. In an interview with
The New York Times
Hillary Clinton asserts: “There is a double standard.” But in reality his employees scrambled. Harris is now compared to Dan Quayle, the legendary deputy of George H.W. Bush for his gaffes. Or to “slick” Sarah Palin who served as John McCain’s running mate in defiance against Barack Obama, making satire a delight.

Harris’ collapse alarm sparks premature debate over Biden’s reappointment. It seemed clear that this was a one-term president: he would be 82 years old when re-elected. True, he would be the first president not to be re-nominated since Lyndon Johnson, wracked by the Vietnam War in 1968; But the age factor clearly weighs not always 100%. With the disappearance of “Plan B,” the Kamala option, party notables today pretend to believe in the assertion of the White House. (Old Joe will make an appearance.) And the full nomination was passed to “Plan C,” firing candidates like Pete Buttigieg or Mitch Landrieu: It’s no coincidence that the two run the only master plan Biden could get Congress to approve, a trillion investment in infrastructure.

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What remains of the reform agenda has been dealt a severe blow. Moderate Democratic Senator Joe Manchin denied casting the vote Rebuild betterThe two-billion-billion-dollar plan to switch to zero emissions and build a “European” social welfare system. Harris was asked by a famous African American television host, Charlemagne tha GodWith an insightful question: “Who rules America?” Biden or Manchin? The Representative erupted into a frenzy, months before she would have been seen as the real leader behind Biden’s shadow. The Mansion veto points to a broader phenomenon with potential worldwide repercussions: In the Democratic Party, the revival of centrists has begun and the era of easy public spending is over. America has taught all Western nations for the vast public resources mobilized during the pandemic. The American recovery, and the return of inflation, bear the hallmarks of those Keynesian policies that Donald Trump and Biden have adopted with complete continuity. Now this chapter is closing. The fight against inflation has become a priority for the Central Bank. Democrats need to re-transform their message. Threatening them with a hemorrhage among the youngsters: The Biden-Harris card promised relief from university debts (ten thousand dollars each) that it would not be able to keep.

Kamala’s collapse has a clandestine background rooted in divisions within the Democratic Party. Progressive media turned its back on the vice president in June. Galeotto was his trip to Central America. Biden had delegated one of his most explosive dossiers to her: the immigration crisis, refugee pressure on the southern border, and Harris’ message was “let’s help them home.” He used harsh chants: “Stay because we will not welcome you.” It was a difficult but indispensable task. The White House Needed to Confront the Far-Left’s ‘Without Borders’ MessageAfter the Alexandrian radical leader Ocasio-Cortez called for the abolition of the border police. Moreover, with millions unemployed and hungry still lurking, libertarian entries would have represented political suicide for Democrats. Biden is the historical memory of the classic left, social democracy and labor: The American working classes were better protected when the borders were almost closed and immigration was controlled.

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When Harris sacrificed herself for this cause, her party that left her saw her as a traitor. The misunderstanding that characterized his appointment was resolved. Biden chose Harris for literally aesthetic reasons: a woman, in her fifties, of two ethnic minorities, Indian and African American. He was the exact opposite of the President, an old white Catholic man. So it was “revolutionary” by definition. The real Harris didn’t fit that stereotype. Her mother was from India, but of a distinct caste of Tamil Brahmins, and she was a brilliant medical researcher at Berkeley University. His father was a Jamaican, but a well-known economist, and a famous academic. As California’s attorney general, Harris imposed severe penalties on criminals, contrary to the philosophy of progressive prosecutors. Harris had made herself known to a story by courting Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, and all the far left parties. His autobiography gave a completely different narrative: His parents’ story is the apotheosis of an American dream built by an elite group of highly skilled immigrants who became the ruling class and adopted the Anglo-Saxon rules of the game; Contrary to the current ideology politically correct. Those who felt betrayed were avenged against Kamala, because it is not the passion that they bet on. Perhaps it is too late for it to be adopted by the moderates in the center trying to restore the party.

Ten months left to vote in the midterm legislative elections. It will take a stunning reversal of the political climate to save the Democratic majority in Congress. Otherwise, the madness of the American political cycle will be confirmed: voters choose a president for four years, but Only two years later they denied him the parliamentary majority and with it access to government. This judgment by Matt Lewis on

Daily Beast

“If Kamala Harris is the last barrier between us and a second Trump, may God help us”.

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Dec 27, 2021 (change on Dec 27, 2021 | 07:19)

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