Are you out of memory on your smartphone and want to transfer photos to your computer? Here’s how to do it quickly and easily
There is nothing more annoying than having to Clear phone memory. Already a weak factor in recent years thanks to the increase in internal storage space (remember the first smartphones with “small” 16 GB storage?), but in some cases it still interests many users, especially those who take a lot of photos or use their devices To store any kind of memory.

If you have also encountered this problem and are looking for a file Way to make room on Apple phoneIn this article, we suggest some remedies that can be useful: they are simple and quick, also because you only need a computer, whatever the operating system (Windows or Mac).
Mac and Mac owners will be able to use Photos, Apple’s built-in app on both operating systems (iOS for the mobile part, macOS for this PC). All you have to do is connect the smartphone to the PC via a Lightning cable and wait for the Photos app to load (automatically, by the way); In case of problems, just run it manually.
At this point, select the photos in the iPhone gallery and click Import to automatically transfer them to the photo library. very simple.
If you are using a computer with an operating system instead windowsYou will first have to install iTunes (which on Mac is integrated directly into the Finder) and follow the onscreen procedure.
Transfer photos from phone to computer via cloud

Finally, there is a third, faster and more popular solution: a solution Cloud. The “cloud” is actually the most efficient way to free up space on a mobile phone and transfer one’s memories (especially photographs, which are notorious for being heavy) in a secure location and accessible via any device (not just a smartphone, but also a PC).
There are many cloud platforms that can be relied on first and foremost iCloud: If you’ve bought an iPhone, you’ll definitely get 5GB of free storage, even more “expandable” through special paid plans. Instead, it is always present Google Drive (15 GB) and other very popular services, such as Microsoft OneDrive And the drop box: Each has a special application on the mobile phone, while for the computer it is enough to connect to the appropriate official pages, and enter your credentials.
thanks for the cloud storageYou can securely store content and transfer files from your phone to your computer and vice versa.