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Green storage, so Saar Depositi has quadrupled the space in the port of Genoa-

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Business diversification, penchant for investment and concern for sustainability lead to the growth of Saar Depositi Portuali, which has operated since 1930 a coastal warehouse for the unloading, storage and handling of liquid bulks in the port of Genoa. The company deals primarily with vegetable oils and their derivatives, and supplies major industries in the food, oil and energy sectors. We continue to expand and increase our numbers in the volumes of goods handled, the value of production and in the sales volume, which at the end of 2021 will be around 18 million euros, explains Pepe Costa, CEO of Saar Depositi Portuali.

The turning point came in 1996, when ownership passed from Al Safa Group to the Costa family. Under the leadership of President Alfredo Campanini Bonomi and Pepe Costa, Saar began a rapid development process, focusing on the modernization of machines and systems. Since then, we have invested about 50 million euros, which has allowed the company to go from the availability of 30 thousand cubic meters of storage to the current 116 thousand cubic meters and renovate the garden of tanks, most of which are made of stainless steel, to ensure optimal preservation of products..

Several years ago, the company began processing liquid bulk, with plants for filtering and refining vegetable oils for the food industry (Ferero’s main customer): Today Saar is no longer just logistics, landing and distribution, but also product processing in the logic of complete customer service.
Environmental sustainability is another area of ​​Saar’s intervention: since 2015 we have had a photovoltaic system, one of the first in the port of Genoa, capable of covering 10% of our energy needs, and we have recently installed LEDs to light all the company’s systems.

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