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Frost Zelensky Berlin, German media reactions | Putin rejoices, “He’s denying our help.” “Learn the bugs, send the weapons now”

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It is first and foremost a win Russian President Vladimir Putin: This is one of the aspects that the German media has emphasized the most these days From the great frost between Kyiv and Berlin. Ukrainian President Number Volodymyr Zelensky On the visit of the German head of state Frank Walter Steinmeierdetermined by the registrar Olaf Schulze The word “disturbing” reads as a sign of the division of Europe. And the tension in the West, the logic of the press, certainly makes Moscow rejoice. On the Reasons From the fracture and on the way to proceed with its reconstruction, however, the opinions are different: on the one hand there are those who accuse Zelensky of “repudiating” the help and solidarity Germany. We read for example the mistakes of the past Sueddeutsche Zeitung, does not justify the refusal to receive the German president. Other newspapers, on the other hand, mention the “wrong politics” in Berlin and elsewhere Der Spiegel We read: “Now the government must ask itself how this can be done for help Ukraine”.

Here are the main reactions of the German press:
Resulting in the cancellation of President Steinmeier’s trip discontentnow too confusion. Ukraine denies canceling President Steinmeier’s invitation. “There was no request,” said President Zelensky, so the address Land Thursday morning. Then he added: “But it seems that Steinmeier’s lack of welcome in Kyiv is uncertain, the Ukrainian presidential administration indicated in writing to the German ambassador in Kyiv.” He concludes: “So, the statements from Ukraine could be an attempt damage reduction Diplomats“. Jens Schneider On the Sueddeutsche Zeitung Reports on Thursday indicate that it was not possible to reach Zelensky by phone from Steinmeier.

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hot Wednesday Oliver Neuroth toLand He commented: “Ukraine is not happy to cancel the president’s invitation,” “Germany is among the main countries supporter, cheerleader, supporter Ukraine for financial aid and military equipment. Declaring a German head of state persona non grata is a form of disclaimer From this help “,” Chancellor Schultz is now unlikely to go to Ukraine, after Steinmeier refused. Kyiv government prevents itself from something. And let the opponent shine as a winner. Russian leader Putin is thrilled to see how the West finds itself divided“. Berthold Koehler On the has won Wednesday, he almost sarcastically commented: “Kyiv, sure is great cheerful Moscowhe mistreated the president to such an extent, as neither he nor his predecessors have been never happened“.

there Sueddeutsche Zeitung Wednesday in italics, signed by Daniel Prosler by title “unwantedHe writes that even if Steinmeier won criticism For his role in failed accesses Minskthe tireless effort to maintain a dialogue With Moscow, as president already, after he supported the completion Nord Stream 2Nothing can justify declaring him persona non grata on any visit these days From Europe It is important in Kyiv. Zelensky may want a visit from Scholz and so be it Upset By German resistance to deliver strong weaponsBut rejection makes Europe appear more weak And Uniforms. Only one can rejoice: Russian President Vladimir Putin. Steinmeier himself, on the other hand, in an interview with Der Spiegel He stressed that he had already committed himself to the fate of Ukraine at the time of the protests European field In 2013/2014 and in the negotiations when the conflict broke out in Crimea. He admitted he was wrong, and Putin’s face was not always the same, the face of speech in the Bundestag in 2001 is not the same from 2022.

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Coming back to the case, the SZ And he confirms on Thursday that “the cancellation of Steinmeier’s invitation raises discontent: Chancellor Schultz has not yet accepted Kyiv’s invitation and still rejects the desire to acquire heavy weapons.” In a long interview on the second page, aUkrainian ambassador in Berlin Andrej Milink On the other hand, he does not hide what his country expects Olaf Schulz: Immediate ban from petroleum And Russian gas And other sanctions against Moscow, but also send strong weapons to defend themselves. The chancellor would be most welcome in Kyiv now, while Steinmeier would sooner or later. “There is no doubt, Steinmeier can visit Ukraine in the future,” Milink said, noting that “you need not only words but also brave gestures to correct fatal decisions wrong“.

Berliner tagspiegel Closed-doors news relayed Steinmeier’s title: “The Architect of the False Policy on Russia,” with President Steinmeier’s portrait underneath. Andrea Dernbach And Christoph von Marshall In the article below they talk about how they feel in the presidential office shock and talk about one Breaking so far unimaginable With “communicative and diplomatic traditions”. The reaction of German politics was divided: “Many officials in the Traffic Light Coalition called Zelensky’s decision ‘indifferent’ and”unhappyOthers noted that ‘the furore is making a quick decision by the chancellor to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine.’ more urgent“”. Chairman of the European Affairs Committee of the German Parliament Anton Hofriter Verdi, who just visited Ukraine with his colleague Michael Roth (SPD) and Chairman of Parliament’s Defense Committee Marie Agnes Strack Zimmermann (Fdp), Schultz urged that a quick green light be given for the delivery of heavy weapons. Similar tones are also from Strack-Zimmermann who identified Steinmeier’s rejection of “not only clumsy But also unfriendly,” adding that there is broad support from the population for further assistance to Ukraine.

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Same as the vice chancellor Robert Habeck (Verdi) said, “It’s no use if we say in a quarter you’ll have something. Now things have to go there.” on the same line Maximilan Bob On the Der Spiegel Who writes: “Instead of dictating rules to the Ukrainian leadership, the government should ask itself where they come from Distrust Kyiv and how can you for help Ukraine.” Parliamentary expert on foreign policy Alexander Graf Lampsdorf (Fdp), however, comments on Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland That “if Steinmeier could not go to Kyiv but the Chancellor Olaf Schulze Before calling, it will be double insult to the office of the presidency.” The Marcus Weiner always available Der Spiegel He indirectly gave him a reason: “Kyiv’s invitation at the same time to Chancellor Schultz is a theater of the first degree. Playing the Chancellor against the President is not good at all. “

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