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Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Football: League Two relegates to Tik Tok Stadium – Football

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(ANSA) – ROME, June 27 – Young people on and off the field. League B has opened its official account on “TikTok”, the social platform of the moment that brings together billions of users, especially Generation Z of teens, who increasingly expect to achieve a fast and dynamic dimension to their interactive lives.

Part of this perspective is Lega B’s growth and enhancement project, always paying attention to technological developments and innovative dynamics with the goal of intercepting the goal of an increasingly younger audience. In just over 72 hours, the legaserieb channel has reached 4,000 followers, and has already generated many interactions (comments and shares): the first “field” video has reached nearly 450,000 views with nearly 37,000 likes.

Moreover, on TikTok, there are many BKT chain partners in their own official capacity, as well as many players who play in the Trainee Tournament.

The president of Lega Serie B, Mauro Palata, was satisfied: “We are focused on the present, but always towards the future – and he emphasized – we are in a period of continuous growth, and as Lega, we are evolving accordingly. The launch of our admin on TikTok with the hashtag #proudtob It demonstrates our association with the Serie BKT Championship and everything that goes around it: the fans, the enthusiasts, the regions, the youth… and with them we want to continue this innovative process, both on and off the field, with the goal of reaching a large segment of the audience born in the early 2000s who have already demonstrated Huge interest in our product for some time.” (Dealing).

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