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Football: EDF Saint-Christophe reaches the final of the local stage of the Piedmont Cup

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The joy of St. Christophe’s Football School players


Granada beats River Plain 2-0 in the last match of the qualifying treble and reaches the final of Pont Dunas 2021

EDF Saint-Christophe Fly to the final of the local stage of Piedmont Cup.

Granata won 2-0 Blaine River In the last match of the qualifying trilogy.

The final match will pit them against each other Pont Dunas 2021which was eliminated Saint Vincent Chatillon.

EDF Saint-Christophe reaches the final of the local stage of the Piedmont Cup

St. Christophe’s Football School He is the second qualifier for the local stage of Piedmont Cup.

The competition, designated for the teams of the second and third categories, issued its second ruling.

the bomb They were defeated 2-0 away from home Blaine River In the last match of the qualifying trilogy.

Team Matteo Bravi Success depended on goals at the end of the first half Joshua Bonomo And Christian Bianchi.

EDF Saint-Christophe will challenge Pont Dunas 2021 in the final

This is how the final of the local stage of the competition was formed Piedmont Cup.

EDF Saint-Christophe will deal with Pont Dunas 2021.

Rossoblu lower valley They eliminated me Saint Vincent Chatillon.


this is a test

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