Germany appears to be ‘hungry’ for green hydrogen, signing a series of deals with countries across the Atlantic to ensure stable import routes for this energy commodity.
After the recently signed alliance with Canada, during a state visit by German Chancellor Olaf Scholes, a similar agreement was in fact finalized with Chile.
In particular, according to reports from various international newspapers, the authorities of the local government of the city of Hamburg and the port authority, the third largest commercial port in Europe, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Chilean minister. Power to export green hydrogen from Chile to Europe.
In the first phase, the aim will be to supply H2 of South American origin imported by sea to the domestic market in the Hamburg region, whose demand is expected to grow strongly over the next few years. In a second phase, the Hanseatic city authorities aim to re-export part of the hydrogen from Chile, effectively turning the port into a hub for the carrier to supply the Central-Eastern European market.
Claudio Hueb, Chile’s energy minister, underlined that the Santiago government’s goal is to ‘create conditions to facilitate the start of hydrogen import/export transport between Europe via the port of Chile and Hamburg’.
Hamburg Mayor Peter Tzenscher is also satisfied, according to which the agreement lays a solid foundation for future cooperation between Germany and Chile, whose production capacity
Become one of the world’s leading H2 green suppliers.
Newspaper PN Americas recalls that Chile has already set a target of 25 GW of installed electrolysis capacity by 2030 and has several projects in its ‘portfolio’, including a large one, including a 10 GW electrolysis plant. It will become operational in 2026.