Friday, March 7, 2025

First LSD flight in history

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By mistake: its inventor Albert Hofmann reported “a very unpleasant case of poisoning” and tried again a few days later.

“I lay down and sank into an absolutely unpleasant state of intoxication, distinguished by a particularly vivid imagination.” Swiss chemist Albert Hoffmann recalled with these words the first involuntary ingestion of LSD (from German LysergSäure Italian lysergic acid diethylamide), which occurred in Basel, Switzerland, on April 16, 1943: eighty years ago.

Hoffmann, who worked in Switzerland for the pharmaceutical company Sandoz (now Novartis) had already synthesized LSD in 1938, while studying parasitic fungi from Gramine plants in an attempt to obtain a drug that would stimulate heart and respiratory function. On the 16th of April 1943 he happened to come into contact with this boat more than he expected, on which he returned to work a few years later.

After this casual dining, Hoffmann writes, he was possessed by “extreme anxiety accompanied by slight dizziness”, I remember that he had a “highly stimulated imagination” and that he was in a dream state.

Later Hoffmann summarize LSD On purpose, he experiments on himself with the substance at doses of 250 micrograms, which is a rather large amount, in order to describe its effects, including different perceptions and visual distortions, some of which he presents as disturbing and sinister. After that first time, Hoffmann also took LSD on April 19, 1943, to better understand what had happened a few days earlier, and then – as he later recounted – cycling home, where he experienced both the positive and negative effects of the LSD trip. Since then, April 19, the day of the first voluntary ingestion of LSD, is also remembered “bike day“.

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However, LSD did not begin to become popular until the 1960s, a few years after a 1957 article on the substance was published by the journal life extension. However, it was banned due to potential violations and negative effects. Hoffman passed away in 2008 at the age of 102 and how He remembers Recently Nicola Lagioia for Friday to RepublicThis was his take on LSD:

It should be treated as sacred material. It is one thing to have a substance relieving pain or exhilarating, to have an agent interfering with the essence of man: conscience is another. For what is sacred if not the conscience of a person? The substance you activate must be handled with great respect and great care.”

– Also read: The return of the dope

Of LSD speaks chapter Basically, drugsthe third number of He explained things well.

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Ike Walton
Ike Walton
"Infuriatingly humble analyst. Bacon maven. Proud food specialist. Certified reader. Avid writer. Zombie advocate. Incurable problem solver."
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