Fumihiko Yasuda, Producer Wo Long Fallen سلالة DynastyTalk to IGN USA about difficulty From the game, also stating that he learned a lot from it blood bornewho was his producer when he was at Sony.
“Producing Bloodborne was a very important experience for me hard games It shouldn’t be difficult just for her sake. I think it’s really important to have this difficulty to give players a sense of accomplishment once you’ve overcome it. That’s why I think players should always be able to blame themselves when they die. The game should be fair and the difficulty should not be unreasonable. In that regard, the fact that I’m not very good at video games is in my favor. “It will always be natural for me to judge the fairness of the matches,” Yamagiwa said.
“We decided to make it a Challenge game From the beginning. With all the legendary heroes of the Three Kingdoms period, it might sound a bit funny, but it was actually a time of war and destruction. It was a dark period of constant combat, which goes well with Souls-like gameplay. Set in China, Wo Long is a lot larger than our previous games set in Japan, which allowed us to showcase a tougher and darker world. The same goes for difficulty. There is no doubt that this is going to be a very difficult game, but we have found new ways to approach this difficulty. And in this regard, players can expect a kind of satisfaction that was not found in previous Team Ninja titles.”

Can you (re)watch the Wo Long Fallen Dynasty ad at the Xbox & Bethesda Show?