Health and medical expenses can be deducted at 19% of your tax return. Here’s the procedure to follow, which expenses are included and how much the tax deduction is.

the Medical and health care expenses occurring during the year can be deducted from one’s taxes, in an amount equal to 19% of expenses. It is also possible to do this in 2023, when the tax return is completed. The procedures to be followed may vary depending on the type of expenses incurred and the person who paid them.
How much is the medical expense deduction?
The discount is activated above a certain threshold, set at 129.11 euros. This is a type of flat fee that must be paid in full, with the following fees applicable 19% off. For people with disabilities, on the other hand, some expenses (always at 19%) are deducted immediately, without having to reach the threshold of 129.11 euros. This is, for example, the money spent on the purchase of prostheses for walking or for transportation by ambulance.
What medical expenses are included in the tax deduction?
The list of medical expenses that can be included in the deduction is quite extensive. there full list can be found at official standards On the compilation of Form 730, among other things, the following: services provided by a general practitioner (including services provided for homeopathic visits and treatments), purchase or rental of healthy prostheses, analyses, radiological examinations, research and applications, as well as surgical and specialist services . In some cases, a discount is applied Even for expenses paid in cashFor example: the purchase of medicines or medical devices, healthcare services provided by public facilities or private facilities approved by the National Health Service.
How to request a deduction on your tax return
As mentioned, the medical expenses you want to deduct must be included on Form 730, that is, your tax return. Expenses that may be included in the deduction are automatically included in A pre-filled tax returnwhich will be available on the Revenue Agency website from April 30, 2023.
Expenses must be indicated in the declaration relating to the year in which they were made, and you must have them Documents to prove itRecent receipts, tax receipts and invoices. Proof of payment is not required. For potential tax checks, these documents must be kept for the next five years. The same rules apply to medical expenses incurred abroad: if the documents are in a foreign language, a translation must be carried out, in cases of English, French, German and Spanish, it can be done directly by the taxpayer.
Only expenses that fall within the annual total tax limit can be deducted, and no additional deductions can be accumulated for subsequent years. Expenses for which they are prepared may also be included in tax deductions Dependent family members, that is, those whose gross income is less than 2840.51 euros, or less than 4 thousand euros for children under 24 years of age. This must be done even if the family members involved are not financially dependent.
The discount can be divided into: Four annual installments Same thing, in some cases. This can only be done if the total amount exceeds €15,493.71. Also in this case the first 129.11 should be excluded from the calculation, because it is part of the discount that must be paid in full. The deduction request must be made in installments or in a single solution when filing the tax return, and it is irrevocable.
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