Dario Fabbri, the television face of Enrico Mentana’s marathon about the war in Ukraine, geopolitical expert and director of Domino magazine, admits that he does not have a university degree. But above all he responds in a very “know-it-all” tone to Professor Riccardo Puglisi, who was the first to question his qualifications, thus compromising his geopolitical approach in the face of the jungle of social media. Here’s an open letter from a geopolitical analyst
CAro Dario FabbriYou let us down. And let’s not talk about the fact that you don’t have a college degree, because we don’t have a “piece of paper” myth. But rather for the fact that it is, and the writer talks from geopolitical scientist to geopolitical scientist, with a boy going back and forth on Twitter with the professor Riccardo Puglisi You have exposed the entire geopolitical system to a serious setback. We are free to address you directly, Dario, because we know your competence and intelligence cannot be questioned. But the handling of the case was a Exciting flop. And the patchwith answers to the clear questions of Decipatio’s colleagues, Worse than the Hole. You assert, Dario, that “it was necessary to put myself outside the academy to develop a different way of thinking, alien to international relations and political science.” You say that everyone follows their own path, and it is legitimate to do so. Petino Craxi He had no university degree and survived for years in a world of cunning, often punitive and classist doctors, until he became prime minister. Giuseppe Di Vittorio explained labor market dynamics to leading economists and industrialists as a simple trade unionist. Enzo Biagi and Piero Angela They were not graduates and were able to turn their careers as journalists and promoters, in a feisty way, into a way to be champions of public and cultural debate.
“I never respond to personal attacksI also have never given interviews about my political preferences or my private life. “I like to be judged only for my work,” she responded to the Ministry of the World when asked about the controversy raised by Puglisi. It is a departure that, in hindsight, can only be described as regrettable. Puglisi was certainly wrong to inflate the accusations against you. However, we repeat, the basic mistake is providing him with the thread and needle, and this is your responsibility. Not obtaining the certificate is not a disgrace. But the claim to the title of “Doctor of Political Science” Across multiple sites and putting a system as complex as geopolitics on a different pedestal without being prepared to face the consequences of criticism means exposing itself and its discipline to a dangerous backlash. Puglisi insisted, forcefully, and several times even aggressively, on getting to Nubia In search of “Dario Fabbri score”. He made it a personal crusade. An honest response to the tweet that sparked the controversy was enough to calm the issue. You’ve gone out in style. Attributing the response to media outlets that are perceived as “friendly” does not, from this perspective, seem like the best way out. This is not a criticism of the Decibatio boys: the writer knows intimately the history of the group, well curated by Bravo David Arcidiacono He has no doubts about his professionalism. But entrusting this answer to a newspaper that will soon have you as a guest on Libropolis can create problems of misunderstanding, especially in that ferocious jungle that is the world of Twitter or X or whatever hell it’s called where controversy is born. The academy has its logic and its drawbacks, but it is not enough, Dario, to suggest the advantages gained in the field as a cure: There is only the danger of highlighting the supposed feeling of minority. You claim in the interview that the results you obtained have been rewarded by hundreds of thousands of readers reading your articles and analyses. The method has been recognized as having imported from authors such as George Friedman, studying classical geopolitics alongside strategic grammar and claiming to transcend a certain academic constraint. But today these exits seem more like a non-byta excuse. You write, Dario, that human geopolitics has been included in the debate in the country. You are invited to present Imperial Rules, a part of human geopolitics, to doctoral students at Oriel College, Oxford. Or to explain the strategy and tactics of the US, Russia and China to the management of the American company Microsoft, along with figures such as the writer Walter Isaacson, and the astronaut Scott Kelly, And journalist Dan Rather.
MBesides “I, Dario Fabbri”, what else is there? This is the question we ask you as scholars of political geography, so that it can be understood as a method, practice, and field of comparison between disciplines even before it is a hard science. As defenders of geopolitical style against the raised fingers of the different Michele Bouldrin, Vittorio Emanuele Barsi And a company that has long attacked this unorthodox way of thinking about strategic rules. Great academics have been able to talk very well about geopolitics. The author cites some personal teachers: Aldo Giannulli and Alessandro Colombo. Those who know how to talk about the geopolitical method starting from studies that are not necessarily academically framed have performed equally well. On lemon Alessandro Areso He has written on geoeconomics and technological competition in an interdisciplinary style; In the same newspaper that gave you fame we carefully note the approach Greta ChristiniI provided a ‘geopolitics’ of reportage that combined analysis and journalism on his journey to the front in Ukraine; On the “Parabellum” channel on YouTube Mirko Campucciari He hybridizes ideas of different types and often calls on the analyst Amedeo MadalonoIn his book “Geopolitics – The History of Ideology” we understand a lot about the way this discipline should be followed. Madalono writes a basic fact in his book: “Geopolitics can provide, in the fluid confusion of postmodernism – as Bauman puts it – an interesting key to understanding the balance of power in the world – although not the only one: it would be interesting to understand how important class dialectics is, For example”. Read these words, Dario: The key to understanding, means but not the endA tool to increase the skills of various specializations. This is geopolitics: an emancipatory way of knowing. Not an anti-academic fence in which he can lock himself in against the world. By claiming to have left your studies to pursue geopolitics, you seem to support this approach and expose geopolitics to attack, in Maddalono’s words, “by those authors who diminish its scientific – and perhaps spiritual – value? – to make it merely a simple toolbox in the hands of the ruler in question.” Or even worse The ideological justification for some momentary chauvinism“. shared by Puglisi, Boldrin, the Parsi of Twitter and more. You made a mistake, but we don’t want to crucify you for it. We hope that you can admit that you did something minor. And start again with strength and spirit. We need to deeply understand the present. And we can Your voice is one of the useful ones. As long as you understand that he’s not the only one worth listening toAs it seems clear from the interview. All this will be a serious help to anyone who doubts your work. And you can’t provide that for them.
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